Market still crashing? Bernanke say anything stupid? David Lereah get arrested? Phoenix hit 50,000 listings?
Let's find out...
Oh, side note, you think the US has immigration issues? Go to Paris.
June 09, 2006
Been in Paris a couple of days... what'd I miss?
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GLD and COP are having a race to see who can get to below 60 first.
i'm buying more cop and gold
tell us about the immigration problem in Paris.
Now that Al-Zarqawi is dead, I think I will start to invest in Iraq's real estate market.
Al-Zarqawi was a government man, must have had no use for him anymore.
Anonymous said...
"Al-Zarqawi was a government man, must have had no use for him anymore."
You're obviously insane. Why bother with real estate when you should be preparing for the alien lizards?
I also want to know more about the immigration problems in Paris.
Me Too ! What about immigration in Paris ?????
COP and GLD.....I feel sorry for those of you who bought at their peaks last month
Phoenix crossed 48,000 yesterday. 2,000 more homes to 50,000!
Keith, a few days? Do you have ADD?
As far as David Lereah being arrested, there's a better chance that I'd ever vote Republican. Our guvmint is completely bought and controlled by big business. Period. The only time someone is prosecuted is when they aren't friends with the likes of Dubya. Think Martha Stewart.
Nonetheless, I read your blog daily.
2 exceptions out of how many crooks?
"foobeca said...
What about Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling? They were prosecuted and will rot in jail for the rest of their lives. They were big Bush supporters."
You've never heard of presidential pardons? I would not bet against it no matter what odds you gave me! Wait until after the elections.
my take on france is that they're a dying country - the french aren't having enough babies. add that to a backward ass way of looking at business - I saw a stat that 80% of the kids protesting the other month wanted to be government workers. sad.
then you have massive immigration coming from africa - and muslims galore. France will no longer be the france it was. It will be a black muslim country soon enough. That's not racist - it's just a fact.
france already has 10.1% unemployment, 30%+ among youth. that country will burn with the dissatisfaction found among the unemployed youth and the new immigrants who are not assimilating into french culture.
paris is getting more and more dirty - grafitti everywhere now. you can tell the economy stinks - and that the government can no longer police and take care of the city and the infrastructure.
Finally, they're run by the wrong people at the wrong time - bureaucrats, anti-business idiots.
But, damn, paris and the parisian lifestyle beat any other city I've been to hands down. I just fear for what's to come there.
that's my take.
"Al-Zarqawi was a government man, must have had no use for him anymore."
You're obviously insane. Why bother with real estate when you should be preparing for the alien lizards?
And you sir must be a one track minded robot if you think the killing of Al-Zarqawi was a succesfull planned mission by the us. They know where everyone is and probally could have killed that individual many time before hand but were either told not to engage or pull back. Now all of a sudden the repubs take a slight edge in the vote in california the other over the demos and bang the killing of Al-Zarqawi is plastered all over the news to convenient for me to belive.
and that his right havd man gave him up..please how many time does this guy have to die?
Finally, they're run by the wrong people at the wrong time - bureaucrats, anti-business idiots.
oh an let me add he is the cleanest person i have ever seen get hit by a 1000lb bomb the only picture, of him that should have been shown were parts not just a bloody nose...but the anoo above knows all, as well as alien lizards.
Borkafatty, your pseudonym says it all. Yes, you are insane. Don't look under the bed because the demon there is hungry.
and your a one track minded fool, but then again its us insane people that give you boring tunnel vision people somehing to talk about.
nothing to see here move on!
My only hope for France. . .
A year ago I saw a wonderful grafitti on the streets of Paris. . ."Allah est morte". . .my hope is the Muslims become French agnostics like 90% of the French are agnostics. . .the French go to church three times in life - baptism, marriage and burial!. . .they are all Catholics and all agnostics. . .you have to live there a while to understand that.
borkafatty said...
"oh an let me add he is the cleanest person i have ever seen get hit by a 1000lb bomb the only picture, of him that should have been shown were parts not just a bloody nose..."
What a dumbass. He wasn't killed in the blast, but died later, which you would have known had you followed the story instead of leaping to the usual conspiracy delusions. Pictures were also released showing what he looked like before being cleaned up. He was cleaned up for the Muslim public, which has a fit every time Americans show pictures of killed terrorists (they claim doing so is disrespectful), though their own television networks show beheadings of Americans, and lots and lots of corpses, and this is considered perfectly tasteful.
If France is becoming a banana republic, I could say they get what they deserve, but people in glass houses etc. 'ya know.
I wouldn't underestimate the symbolic power of Zarqawi's recent assumption of room temperature. There is a lot of wheeling and dealing going on with the Sunni's. They've much more to frear from Iran than us (and they do).
Here's a gamble - Iraqi dinar. about. It was equivalent to Kuwaiti dinar before Saddam invaded Kuwait. Currently $1 = 3.5 Kuwaiti dinar and you can buy 1 mil. Iraqi dinar for about $800. It's a 5-10yr thing, but if it returns, there are going to be a lot of retired millionaire veterans. It's worth throwing a few hunny at.
"france already has 10.1% unemployment, 30%+ among youth."
Keith, you don't believe that the real unemployment rate in the US today is only 4.6%, do you?
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