Note to all the countries of the world - if you want some goodies from the developed countries, simply start down the nuclear road, and we'll give you anything you want
How stupid can we get? I much prefer the Israeli course - don't talk to them, don't deal with them, and kill them if they come after you. Then guess what - nobody f's with you. Give in to blackmail, and you get blackmailed even more.
Oh, you're right, this has nothing really to do with housing. I'm just disgusted.
EU to Offer 'Bold' Incentives for Iran
The European Union said Monday it will propose a "bold package" of incentives, possibly including security guarantees, to persuade Iran to accept international oversight of its disputed nuclear program.
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana made his comments a day after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected any economic and political incentives that required Tehran to stop enriching uranium, a process that many experts consider a first step toward producing nuclear weapons.
"We have said over and over again that we think a diplomatic solution is a good way, and we are going to continue on that line and ... we are going to prepare a very serious package that will make it difficult for them to say no," Solana said ahead of a meeting of EU foreign ministers.
May 15, 2006
When you negotiate with terrorists, and give in to terrorists, you get more terrorists
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I have agreed with most of what you have said about real-estate, gold , immigration etc....but with this you are way off course. You wanna start WWIII or something.
Don't get me wrong....I am no bleeding heart liberal, but Americas die-hard support for everything Israel will also be its downfall.
Iraq is a mistake, and so will Iran be if the good ol' USA(srael) decide to attack.
And if you think these wars are about 'terrorists' etc.....then I am sorry to say that you have rocks in your head.
It is very easy to brand someone a terrorist, but it is about time America looked into their own backyard.
By the way...Russia ain't dead. Citizens might not drive around SUV's like you yanks do....but the bear is about to roar once again....and the US better beware.
the only reason we have problems with terrorists and extremists is because of these stupid neo-cons who can't just mind their own business.
we should get out of the rest of the world business and return to a policy of isolationism - let the rest of the world sort out their own mess.
America will be great again, only when we stick to the ideals of our great founding fathers.
Israel can afford its policy because it has the uncritical financial and miitary backing of the great superpower. both poliitcal parties are slavishly devoted to the israel lobby. you are not allowed to mention this in polite company, but anyone with half a brain knows it.
Note to all the countries of the world - if you want some goodies from the developed countries, simply start down the nuclear road, and we'll give you anything you want
It works for Israel.
Last I checked the Israeli method of "non-negotiation" didn't work. How many months can you remember when there wasn't an announcment of a bombing or suicide attack?
Let's look at today's truth (not found in media).
The government is not out to protect you, it is only out to protect itself.
But I guess if you take the media's word on this issue, you might as well believe David Lereah too. What's the difference.
It's patently ridiculous to try to isolate Iran. For one thing, such a policy only plays into the hands of the very elements we dislike most. More important, for all the bloviation about Axes of Evil and terrorist regimes and such, the fact is that after a quarter-century in power, the Tehran regime hasn't embarked on any expansionist crusades -- a much better record than our former client, Saddam Hussein. It's not a particulatly attractive government, but by no means is it any more odious or threatening than others that we count as allies, e.g., Pakistan and China.
The ONLY reason that the administration refuses to talk to Tehran is our own domestic politics. Nothing more. Given their crumbling position, and the worrying reality that investigations and criminal prosecutions may be in the works after November, Rove and Cheney are doing the only thing they know how to do -- gin up a crisis, gin up fear, keep some obvious and necessary questions out of the public eye.
They did it in Iraq. Don't let the bastards do it again, when the consequences will be so much worse. Don't fall for their lies again.
-- sglover
you lost credibility right there...this blog started having a bad smell, bad taste since you diverged from the housing bubble subject. if you're looking for terrorists then look in the house, a monkey listening to a group of cold blooded terrorists. occupation is occupation, it's just occupation! so let's call it the way it is.
I used to enjoy coming to this blog for good material and objective opinion...however, I don't see any value here any more. probably it'll one of my last visits.
Terrorists? Is that what you would call a govt. who wants the best for its people these days? Face it, oil will run out one day and nuclear technology will be the next big thing. Who the F**k are the US or the EU to tell other people of the world that they can have this or not have that? Can the govt. of Iran tell the US "You can not develop nuclear bunker buster or chemical weapon? Why doesn't the US or the EU tell the Russian or the Chinese that they can not develop nuchear weapon? Try to tell these two big guys that and see what their f**king answers are. Stop bullying these little guys aroung the world.
What in the world are you talking about ??
What western values are you talking about (and this me a European talking).....are 'American' values western ?? Let's, McDonalds, shitty Holliwood movies, 'freakshow' Christianity (ala Bush), gangsta rap, Oprah, shall I go on ??
Don't confuse Western values with American values.....because there is a HUGE difference between the two....
When I think of the 'West'...I think of the Acropolis/Parthenon, Michael Angelo, Di Vinci, Schubert, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Shakespeare....
Your definition of the 'West' is Oprah, Eminem, Jenna Jamison, Reverend
I would fight and die for my 'West'....I would be more than happy to see your 'West' be placed into the historical scrapheap it deserves.
The America of the 1950's is sadly gone.....that's the America I would like to see......not the shit you call 'America' now......And don't confuse yourself....America today belongs to the 'West' as much as an Arab belongs in Alaska....
concerned said:
"I have agreed with most of what you have said about real-estate, gold , immigration etc....but with this you are way off course. You wanna start WWIII or something."
What do you mean “start WWIII”?
Where have you been … they fly airplanes into buildings! We didn’t start that! Do you want to negotiate with the killers? They don’t care if you’re a conservative or a liberal.
911 was just a facade.....a reason to cause havoc in the Middle East.
Bush/Wolfavitz/Perle and all the other neo-cons might not of been flying the planes, but they might as well have been.....
They knew full well what was going to happen on that day......
And it ain't the first time a government has 'allowed' an attack on it's own land as a reason to go to think Pearl Harbour was a surprise attack by the Japanes ? Think again.
Things ain't so black and white...there are shades of gray as well.
It's a wonder that the mighty USA can't find one camel f***er in Afghanistan (Bin Laden).....he served his role very well didn't he ???
And for f***s sake, Saddam and Iraq HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911....nothing of the sort has been proven, not one shred of evidence exists of the sort....It was an oil grab pure and simple.....I wonder how that pipeline to Haifa is coming along ??
coming from you....I should take it as a compliment....
"Bush/Wolfavitz/Perle and all the other neo-cons might not of been flying the planes, but they might as well have been...."
They tried to blow up the World Trade Centers prior to Bush being in office.
We did nothing to provoke the attack other than be Americans!
Don't believe me? Then my advice would be to go read up on the subject.
I always love hearing this kind of thing from advocates of military action.
Pretty much every hysterical word I've heard about Iran* echoes what "patriots" were saying about China in 1964, after they demonstrated an atomic weapon: Mao is bloodthirsty and indifferent to mass casualties! He's Communist, and we all know Communism is a monolithic movement seeking global dominion! As usual, there were calls for airstrikes, pre-emptive attacks -- any of this sound familiar? Fortunately, sanity prevailed, since the notion of a war broader than the already worrisome Vietnam conflict lacked a cerain, ahem, appeal. I don't think very many people regret that the 1964 Sino-American war never happened.
That was 40 years ago. And now, here we are, a mere three years after the beginning of a disastrous war based on lies, and people who seem to take the liars' latest ginned-up "crisis" at face value suggest we "read up on the subject". If that isn't the very definition of "chutzpah", I dunno what is.....
-- sglover
the inconsistencies in neon elefen fiatsco are bozonic. a builing held by a core of steeeeel coll apsed from the heat of the love-making moment, but conveniently, a Sabadi pass pork (made of paper mind you) is found, con vain yently few blocks away from the building (allegedly fell from z plane). Voila, it's Sabadis that did it. E-D-U.C abounds i tell you. The gullibility of peepel be-leafing the absurdousity thrown at them is just monsterallastically behemothian.
You put those words (mcdonalds, fatty foods, porn, bush) into my mouth. Please point me to where I stated that those are values that I hold?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the ability to think and express yourself freely are not values held by radical islam. You need look no further then the muslim riots over cartoons; muslims do not tolerate others ability to speak, think or express themselves freely.
Again, please point me to where I say any of this:
"Your definition of the 'West' is Oprah, Eminem, Jenna Jamison"
Instead of countering my argument about islam being against individual rights you put words into my mouth in order make a complete your circular argument.
Conspiracy of lies, again? Here’s the Democratic voting record supporting war with Iraq. Read the Iraq survey final report smarty. Turn off CNN and read something! No I am not a Republican or a Democrat, I’m a Libertarian.
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Breaux (D-LA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Daschle (D-SD)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Miller (D-GA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Schumer (D-NY)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
Anonymous said...
"the only reason we have problems with terrorists and extremists is because of these stupid neo-cons who can't just mind their own business."
Huh? Muslims have been terrorizing the West for more than thirty years, starting long before "neo-cons" had anything to say on the matter. The Iranian Hostage Crises happened with Jimmy Carter at the helm. In fact many of the worst acts of terrorism of the past twelve years happened under Clinton, who was also responsible for the idiotic law that prevented the FBI and CIA from sharing information.
Minding our own business? The fools who flew jets into the World Trade Center weren't making a statement about George Bush. Until that day, he was about the most invisible president on record.
You obviously have no concept of world history, and certainly none of Islam, which advocates the murder of all Jews, Christians, and pagans. How come so called Liberals just LOVE Muslims and Islam and endlessly defend and support them, but HATE almost all other religions and their followers? How come they sympathize with terrorists, but never with their victims?
As for all the anti-American crap on this blog, I wonder why the Americans spewing this stuff are living here in the first place? Why aren't they rushing to Iran or France where they can trash America with the best of them?
News flash Republicans and Democates have the same agenda "United Empire of the World", the only difference is sperational. Republicans are openly butual about there goals and agenda's. Democrats are more deceptive, sly and try to camoflouge their agenda.
as for the trade center buildings don't collapse because of fires on the top floors. Lets think about this for a minute, fire on 100 floor so hot it melts the steel coloum supports all the way to the base causing the structure to weaken and the pressure of the above pancaking floors causes the whole building to collapse on it self, nice and neatly for easy clean up. even more amazing than such a freak accident happening once it happen twice. lets not even mention the building which was hit second collapsed first. smells funny to me, but I no hand picked expert called to congress to rubber stamp a flawed hypothesis. Do we ever think outside the box or for that matter at all in USA. We are so distracted by the glow of the "STARS", IPods, and the internet that we can not see the wool being pulled over our eyes. Or maybe the higher pyschological elements of advertising (induced consumerism) have creep into politics inducing americas to "buy" into the spin with out questioning the facts. I mean when one group has a monolpy on "values" and "security" theres an inherrent problem.
oh yeah never tell the facts only give the spin that's the american way, that's why there will always be boogie men who threaten our freedoms and hate us because we are americans.
anyone who beleives a whole region of people hate us because we are free is a moron with brain isolated form their body. i mean congress passes laws that erode our freedoms everyday are they the real boogie men or they our trusted elected officials representing the rights and freedoms of the the american corporations who bank roll there elections.
wake up !!! the alarm is going off you don't want to late for work. see and you thought you where free, free to work and free to pay taxes because everything else cost money including the erosion of the bill of rights which we all help fund through rampade consumerism and so called individualism. are you realy in individual independant of the man standing next to you. Am is expressing my individualality when I get a tatoo because its the cool thing of the year or i go buy the hottest new clothes, or do what ever I do that 30 million other americans are doing.
Some of the writers above are ridiculous. Open the damn Koran and THEN tell us that Muslims don't hate Christians or anybody else. It specifically commands Muslims to KILL Christians, Jews, and pagans, and True Believers do just that.
The Crusades were finished seven hundred years ago. Oh, I forgot, the Arab word is still living in the thirteenth century.
We are not the cause of Muslim suffering. If it weren't for America, Britain, and France, the evil western powers, there would be no oil extraction in the Middle East; there would be no wealth in the Middle East; there would be no plumbing or electricity in the Middle East; there would be no roads or cars in the Middle East; there would no movies, television, recorded music, or computers in the Middle East; in fact, there would be nothing remotely modern there at all.
The 9/ll conspiracy has been so debunked so many times by so many experts, it's utterly astounding that idiots keep harping on the same points. In order for 9/11 to have been orchestrated by our government, the ENTIRE FBI, CIA, FAA, Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, Fire Department of New York City, Police Department of New York City, and about 50,000 other people would have had to have been involved and to have held their tongues ever since.
Thousands upon thousands of investigators have been examining evidence since 9/11, and yet none has stumbled onto this grand conspiracy. Can't any of these investigators go to the same conspiracy Web sites, rent the same conspiracy DVDs ("Loose Change" anybody?), or read the same conspiracy evidence? How is it that one or two crackpots calling themselves engineers or physicists, and a few hundred potheads--none of whom has examined a single strand of physical evidence--know more about what happened that EVERYONE ELSE ON EARTH?
Two of the tallest buildings ever built were struck by huge passenger jets FILLED WITH FUEL. When the beams melted at the top, the floors started falling, gaining momentum and weight on the way down. Since massive jets filled with fuel have never been flown straight into hundred story buildings before, how can conspiracy theoriest claim that buildings can't collapse under such pressures? The seismic shock of the two larger buildings falling destroyed lower buildings around them. If the buildings were brought down with rigged explosions, why were jets hijacked and flown into them? What a waste of time and energy. The government could have simply blown up the buildings and blamed the destruction of terrorists. This would have been effective, and a lot less risky.
The people making these conspiracy claims are, of course, cashing in mightly on the gullibility of their audiences. Nothing sells so well as a preposterous conspiracy, as "The Davinci Code" clearly demonstrates.
America is not the enemy. Nobody is eroding our freedoms: Such claims are the rants of fanatics who don't know what freedom is, and organizations exploiting their stupidity. Freedom isn't downloading porno and doing drugs. Try living in the Middle East for a month, and tell us about freedom. Here, this is what your poor, persecuted innocent Muslim friends do:
Incidentally, Christians did not start the Crusades in the guise of spreading Christianity to an uncivilized world. They started them to reclaim Christian territories raided, conquered, and looted by Muslim fanatics. Water seeks its own level.
You've gotta be kidding.
Thinking like yours is exactly what got us mired in the current nightmare in the Middle East and the rest of the world in the first place.
Israel? It won't stand a chance without the helicopters, missiles and bullets supplied by the US. Actually it might, now that it's got nukes, also supplied by us.
you should open the quran, it states that muslims should be tolerant of other as no one has a monolopy on god and you can take that to the bank. however is does also state the opperssion is worse than death.
Concerned said...
“…Iraq HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 911....nothing of the sort has been proven, not one shred of evidence exists of the sort....It was an oil grab pure and simple.....I wonder how that pipeline to Haifa is coming along ??”…..
Yea, I can fill up my SUV on $2 since the oil grab.
BushCo. The biggest terrorist organization ever created.
The conservative solution to everything ... more jesus, more guns. What caliber weapon did the bible's jesus character own?
"they fly airplanes into buildings! We didn’t start that! Do you want to negotiate with the killers? They don’t care if you’re a conservative or a liberal. "
Mommy I didn't start it. Billy hit me first. Go to your room ahole.
Yea, I can fill up my SUV on $2 since the oil grab.
Things aren't going all that well in Iraq are they ?? Would of been good to be able to start pumping as soon as you got in there.......but the people of Iraq have had something to say about that.....
Anyways $2 a gallon ?? You guys have had it too good for too long......
Anonymous said...
"you should open the quran, it states that muslims should be tolerant of other as no one has a monolopy on god and you can take that to the bank. however is does also state the opperssion is worse than death."
Tolerant of Muslims, not of Christians, Jews, or pagans, and the Muslim god, Allah, a former violent PAGAN moon good, bears no resemblance to modern western or Eastern conceptions of a universal deity.
Anonymous said . . .
"We are no better then those backward fact we are probably a lot worse......"
Wanna bet?
Anonymous said . . .
"BushCo. The biggest terrorist organization ever created."
You are even dumber that your bunch was when it was cheering Michael Moore's fake documentary. Yea, IT WAS FAKE. You even use the programmed phrase BushCo. Where can I wind you up?
Anonymous said...
"The conservative solution to everything ... more jesus, more guns. What caliber weapon did the bible's jesus character own?"
You might want to invest in a good dictionary, and look up the word "conservative."
Anonymous said . . .
"Anyways $2 a gallon ?? You guys have had it too good for too long......"
What the rest of the world doesn't grasp is that America refines MOST of the world's oil; American companies use their money to do this. The automobile is an American invention. The following are all American inventions: airplanes, cars, electric current, electric lighting, electronics, air-conditioning, refrigeration, television, telephones, diodes, triodes, transistors, semiconductors, handheld calculators, petrochemical technologies, photography, nuclear technology, lasers, movies, phonographs, video recordings, computers, the Internet, electric heating, jet propulsion, artificial satellites, daily bathing, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, showers, water treatment plants, microwave technology, rock 'n' roll.
America produces most of the world's food; donates more money, food, and other goods to charity than do all of the other countries of the world combined, and for decades has been cancelling debts of other nations to whom trillions have been loaned, but never repayed. America saved Europe twice in WWI and WWII, rebuilt Japan, rebuilt Germany. If it weren't for America, France, Great Britain, and Russia would belong to Germany now.
It's bad enough for European ingrates to trash America and Americans, but for Americans to do so is so astoundingly vulgar, it's almost beyond belief. Here is a very simple solution to your misery: Move. Go to Iran or Paris or Berlin or London. What's stopping you? Go to Mexico, Peru, Argentina. Go to China or North Korea, with whom you so sympathize. There are scores of countries where America is hated and where your opinions would be extremely welcome.
The fact that you don't move indicates that you don't believe your own propaganda.
Unless you've lived in other countries, you have no inkling of what America offers. Millions of people around the world have moved here and continue moving here because we have more freedom and more opportunity than anywhere else on Earth. Nowhere else has a level of immigration remotely approaching ours. How come? Because we're so evil? Because we have so few rights, and Congress is eroding even those? Because we're the world's foremost terrorists?
What unmitigated fantasy. We are incredibly lucky, and should be grateful for all we have, not bitching about it. Again, I say to EVERYONE on this blog who trashes America, name ONE place more popular with immigrants. Name ONE country with as many protected human rights? Great Britain doesn't even have a constitution. Name ONE country that has done more to create and secure freedom. Name ONE country that has sacrificed more of its own military to defend other nations? Name ONE country that has donated as much in charity and foreign aid. Just one. If you can't name ONE country, how about ONE continent? How about a collection of continents? How about the U.N.? Still doesn't come close? How about the entire rest of the world?
Sure, America has problems, but nobody outdoes our generosity, and the entire world is certainly benefiting from our inventiveness. Those countries that hate us should renounce American inventions, and live according to their supposedly enlightened truths. With candles, oil lamps, and wagons.
Note my reference to toothpaste, deodorant, and shampoo concerns COMMERCIAL products available to the public, not homemade concoctions. An Englishman invented the electric light (an arc lamp), but internally wiring and home electric lighting is a result of Thomas Edison's and Nikola Tesla's DC and AC currents. I left out two of the most important American innovations: (1) the typewriter, precursor to our modern computer keyboard, and (2) and the use of dental anesthetics.
My good man I am not disagreeing with you in some of what you say. America WAS a great country........but it ain't no more.
And take didn't save Russia's arse in fact Russia saved Europes ass to be exact....America just loves taking the credit.....
Anyway, keep blabbing away thinking America is still great etc.....If I were you I would read a little Pat Buchanan and Charles Reese, to understand why Americal has turned into the cess-pool that it is.
Your dollar is dying....and it is currently your no. 1 export.....and worst of all....Russia is i the process of awakening, and it is one angry bear.....watchout.
Our dollar isn't dying, and yes we did save Russia (who lost more than a million soldiers in WWI and WWI). Without out intervention, both Eastern and Western Europe would have been doomed. We had no logistical reason to get involved.
Of course, America's still a great country. Immigrants are still pouring in by the millions because it's better than what they're used to.
There are a lot of crazy people on this blog: doomsayers, Chicken Littles, and many nasty, hateful twits who want to see people with more they have suffer. They gloat and squeal with glee about the "coming depression." They are the same kind of idiots who used to call themselves the American Communist Party, but what they really are are negative, disgruntled, vicious destroyers with nothing to offer except spite, envy, and anger. These whackos do not create businesses and jobs and employ people (thus producing prosperity); they do not take risks; they do not sacrifice themselves for a great cause. They just bitch, whine, point fingers, invent conspiracy theories, slander, libel, and in general behave like spoiled brats raised by savages.
If you think America is a cesspool, do you live here? And if so, why would you choose to live in a cesspool? Doesn't this tell us what YOU are?
That should read "WWI and WWII"
Anonymous said...
"no we have terrorism because of the inequalities in the world, when one nation consumes something 65% of the world resources but only makes up a small fraction of the world population there is always going to be a problem."
We also produce about 75% of the free world's goods, and most of the entire world's food. This 65% thing is 1970s myth that recycles endlessly. If you mean by "resources" air, water, and dirt--we most certainly do not use 65%. If you mean oil, you're wrong again; if you mean refined petroleum products, yes we use most, because we produce them here (few other countries have major refineries). We do not consume most of the food, though we produce it. The entire world depends on us.
Terrorists are terrorists because they're idiots, superstitious bastards, and sadistic monsters. They enjoy hurting and killing. We are not the cause: They, their parents, and their governments are responsible.
Notice that every time a new peace agreement is hammered out between Israel and the Palestinians, somebody in the PLO immediately blows up more Jews to get the fighting going again. These fools would be out of a job if they had no conflict. Killing is their greatest joy in life.
To make excuses for terrorists is to support terrorism. You share their guilt.
There will always be inequalities in the world, and every attempt by do-gooders to eliminate them and make everybody equally miserable has resulted in disaster. Nature does make everybody the same, and you cannot override Nature. Notice that the worst inequalities are in the Middle East and Africa under Muslim governments, which you seem to think are wonderful and superior.
"They” are third world killers who could give a crap about your feelings! They would just assume behead you as look at you.
Does that hurt? FU! "
Errr, no, it doesn't hurt one bit...LOLOL. Love the juvenile 'FU' ending. You know someone's desperate when they end with a 3rd grade level posting like that...LOLOL.
My point dearest, was that there is no monolithic 'muslim' or 'middle eastern' entity. The illusion that there is such a thing is purely a fabrication of propagandists. .0001% of a population does not represent the rest. You refered to Iranians as "They flew planes" into the WTC, I was clarifying for your weak childish mind that, 'They' were actually Saudi's. You state that we should not negotiate with 'Them'. Again, I reiterate, that the 'Them' who attacked on 9/11 were Saudis and despite the attacks, the US government is just as friendly and negotiates just as openly with 'Them'. I wanted to clarify that for your Limbaughized-dittohead weakling brain. Don't get all Ann Coulter on me.
P.S. I believe you mean 'COULDN'T give a crap' NOT 'COULD give a crap'. I bet you say 'NucUlar' too.
by the way, Ann Coulter is far better writer that the twit above who invoked her name in derision.
Because those are the people left-wingers keep hauling out as shining examples.
No, you're not the cookie cutter, you're the cookie.
I have no idea what your political affiliations are. You don't know mine. By the way, I'm not a right-winger by any stretch. You just assumed. As usual.
Ethnocentricity is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own ethnic culture. Ironically, ethnocentrism may be something that all cultures have in common.
Anonymous said . .
"You are an idiot. They all moved here for only one reason and that is economic. We all know that America robbed from the rest of the third world countries and gave back pennies so that we can look good and be able to suck these fools even more. America would never have been this rich if we didn't rob from others."
No, you are the IDIOT. America has created more wealth for more people than all other nations combined. Free enterprise, not social engineering, is the only thing that works in the long run. Why do you think China has lavishly embraced capitalism? How you seen the transformation in a single decade?
My grandparents didn't move here for money, but for freedom. And this is true of tens of millions of legal immigrants over the centuries. Illegal Mexican immigrants may be coming here for money, but they're illegal: a different category altogether.
An interesting set of stats from another blob:
"On May 1st, as a result of the Mexican boycott, national retailers reported only .0042% lower sales for the day and a 67.8% reduction in shoplifting.
"According to data from the Los Angeles County Sheriff, Los Angeles had a reduction in the following:
"82% reduction in auto theft
"28% reduction in murders/ violent crimes/ rapes
"73% reduction in vandalism/ tagging
"54% reduction in drug related offenses (not including the area surrounding the march)
"31% reduction in domestic violence cases
"64% reduction in misdemeanor cases (shop lifting, etc)"
I meant to type "blog," but "blob" makes me laugh.
Here's one.
Snopes says it isn't true, but, presumably, was intended to be funny. Funnier is the fact that people keep embellishing it to make it more dramatic.
This is something I've griped about several times on this blog: the fabrication of stories to score points. So I now have to go kick myself for not checking before cutting and pasting.
I am a very bad person.
Here's the snopes report:
I don't bully people. I have no idea what you are referring to.
I guess the newly released videos of the passenger jet hitting the Pentagon have pulled the rug out from your favorite conspiracy theory. Charlie Sheen, if he's sober, must be mortified.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
People - this blog has taken a turn for the worse. I think this blog should be about the housing bubble. Will it turn into a blog about the direction of the coutry vis-a-vis the war on terrorism - I suppose it can. But it seems to me that 'that' should be for another blog site.
This supposed war on terrorism is definately a more important topic than the housing bubble, but man, a good blog has changed over night. Maybe this is good - I hope so...
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