I remember when the media actually worked, when they actually did reporting, when they actually provided a service.
The National Enquirerization and Rush Limbaughilization of the American Media will be seen years from now as one of the reasons our country went to heck.
Americans were too stupid too to demand anything different, preferring to by hypnotized by sensationalistic reporting of the latest missing blonde girl, or shout-fests vs. Intelligent discussion of the issues, while wars were breaking out, the economy was collapsing and the government was running out of control.
May 12, 2006
What's more important for our media to be reporting on?
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I can't believe this is coming from someone who posts celebrity before/after photos, constantly proclaims "it's over", and sensationalizes every little bit of negative economic or political news.
Keith, you're part the National Enquirerization (sic?). Like I've said many times, your blog is like the Weekly World News and Howard Stern rolled together.
Engaging in self hatred isn't going to make you feel any better. Love what you do!
Despite the frequent attacks, I know I'm still entertained. Keep up the good work.
Every news channel on t.v. reports the same news at exactly the same time! I often wonder what person did the work reporting and how many others just cut, copy and paste? How many journalist's do you need to do that?
Yes Ozman, just sensationalism. Now go try and find some more victims if you can. Uh Oh, can't seem to find any more?
housing anyone?
Nicely put Keith! I have been saying this all along, and about a month ago I said to one of my co workers how I thought that a missing Alabama girl does not qualify as real national news in the grand sceme of things. I was instantly flamed by all my co workers, who said i was nuts. All i know is when I go to europe, then i see real news.
DOW is down another 100pts today
at least i can make some cash in my preconstruction condos in miami !
Who are Freddie, Jovan and Deepak in pic #1?? What is that?
assman apparently cannot understand that there's a difference between an informal weblog and a nation's media establishment.
Keith, you're part the National Enquirerization (sic?). Like I've said many times, your blog is like the Weekly World News and Howard Stern rolled together.
Osman doesn't realize that it is the business community that crack the whip on local newspapers ie Realtor@s. These businesses withhold the advertising dollar if the paper prints anything that could reflect badly on profits even if the article is 100% true.
And look at all the Realtor@ propaganda that floods the electronic media. They are pushing their business interests with no consideration that the clients dredged up may lose their shirts.
Oh, well. Maybe integrity and consideration are a bit old-fashioned.
Osman is just pissed that his dreams of a McMansion, a BMW, and early retirement are looking increasingly dicey.
That's OK, Osman. Just do what GM does when sales are down...re-design the body style without changing the rotten nature of the product. Just keep playing those realtor/integrity ads every 10 minutes on TV.
Maybe you will reel in a few more suckers before the whole putrid edifice collapses.
mr. smith,
I agree that the MSM are quite sensitive to their advertiser's interests. No arguement.
I also agree that news, particularly television news, is prone to sensationalism. Television in general is just packed with endless advertisements (created by marketers like Keith) for all manner of junk. It's why I don't watch TV at home.
However, I was just at the gym indulging in a little teledistraction while I churned on the elliptical. The top stories were the execution of search warrants against the CIA's #3 guy, Kyle Foggo and a story about a model who got attacked and eaten by an alligator in Florida.
How is the later deserving of top billing on a national news program?
Answer - sensationalism.
And as for integrity and consideration, where is it when Keith blatently steals and yes, profits, from the copyrighted content of others?
The MSM is worthless and yes it has hastened the decline of the country. The highlight of my year has to be Steven Colbert calling them on it in his roast.
Anon, I'm not a fan of advertising in general. My personal feelings are that the whole marketing/advertising system preys on our psychological weaknesses and creates overconsumption. I'm certainly not going to defend whatever ad campaign NAR or Re/Max, or whoever is running.
I also don't get the analogy between what I do and General Motors. Yes, sales are down but because of hard work, we're having our best month ever.
Frankly, even if some of the doom and gloom scenarios, sky is falling, "it's over" scenarios come to pass, short of The Rapture I'm not worried about my income. With my skills and work ethic, it's never been difficult for me to find well paying employment. And most successful realtors who have been in this business for awhile tend to be enterprising, entreprenuerial, and incredibly motivated.
Advertising in general is like that. A good friend of mine was a senior exec at Ogilvy and Mather, one of the biggies, before imploding. After 20+ years of pumping consumerism all over the world, she had enough. She launched her own firm and now does green marketing projects only.
If you think realtors have low ethics or integrity, consider Keith's profession as a marketer. Tough to keep a moral compass there. Perhaps that's why he's got the blog thing going. It's a release valve. Too bad he has to be anonymous.
So just what kind of plastic junk (that nobody needs) do you market Keith?
There is nothing, nothing, more important than finding Natalee Holloway.
I share your frustration, on a daily basis, with the "mainstream media". Every day they spend far too much time covering so-called "issues" that will do nothing to help find Natalee.
They have the patience of gnats. Just because Natalee hasn't been found in all these months, they stop giving the case the attention it needs.
Do you remember the days immediately after 9/11, when there were NO COMMERCIALS on television? When every single moment of every single channel was dedicated to the events at hand? That is the kind of dedication to task that we need the news media to show until Ms. Holloway is brought home.
But instead the people go along, like willing sheep, to whatever diversion the media feels like feeding them. This is a travesty, it is the death of America, and it isn't coming close to bringing Nataleee back.
I do not watch TV or cable news at all, except for occasinal MSM or fox cable around dinner hr. I agree there is too much coverage of stuff like the duke rape case, natalee holloway, and another missing model, which is sensationalistic bombast meant to entertain the mass man. All the network and cable news content is condensed to the 30 second sound bite and delivered in a very simplistic, sensationalist video-driven fashion . If you realy want to delve to the truth of an issue such as the RE bubble or the economy the internet is it. The amount of info available is staggering, though not all of it is to be trusted. Some trustworthy sites i go to are :investors insights, charles Hugh Smith,prudent bear, lew rockwell,xanga,. Such mainstream internet newssources as CNN money, business week and MSM Money are to be carefully perused, for even they do not often give out the real truth about the economy or the RE situation, thou it seems as if there are more and more articles coming out acknoledging the Re Bubble.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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