dot-com: geeks become get rich quick paper millionaires
dot-condo: bartenders become get rich quick realtors
common thread: after the pop, they went back to being poor geeks and bartenders
A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
dot-com: geeks become get rich quick paper millionaires
dot-condo: bartenders become get rich quick realtors
common thread: after the pop, they went back to being poor geeks and bartenders
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prize for everyone - go here, register and get a free gram of gold (like $25 worth)
Ah, the benefits of reading HP
I still think the real estate industry is full of young blond soon-to-be-unemployed hotties
"I still think the real estate industry is full of young blond soon-to-be-unemployed hotties "
I think the porn and escort profession is about to have a lot of new applicants
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