I think that's pretty much the two choices for this corrupt boat of fools.
I'm 100% against the Senate version, which would reward people who broke the law, jumped the line and came here illegally.
That version passes and our leaders can go F themselves for all I care, and the US no longer will be a nation of laws or one deserving of respect, and they'll have to earn it back one day - by the people throwing these bums out - Congress and the Illegals.
The House thankfully is so far from the Senate (and more to my liking) - with no free pass, and no amnesty. I think since 100% of them are up for re-election in a few months that the Senate version or anything like it is doomed to fail. There would be an uprising.
My version? Build a wall, deploy the Guard, actively deport anyone here illegally, $50,000 fine for any business or person hiring an illegal for every instance, and liberalized immigration policy and numbers. Come to America, but do it LEGALLY. In the country illegally? Get out.
I also like the lazy MSM quoting someone (no source) that there are 11 Million illegals here. Guess what folks, there may be 50 million for all we know. See, there's this thing - THEY'RE HERE ILLEGALLY! In other words, Mr. Census ain't countin' 'em.
What a mess we've gotten ourselves into. And why? Because we needed a cheap outsourced workforce to build all those damn houses.
May 27, 2006
Immigration: Will Congress do nothing, or do something stupid?
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Congressman James Sensenbrenner
US Citizenship Not For Sale
Border security and immigration reform are among the toughest and most complex government policy issues I’ve ever had to grapple with. In order to arrive at a policy that reflects that we are both a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws, we require a civil, careful, and thoughtful discussion. As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I have attempted to address this problem in a comprehensive manner because the people of Wisconsin, and the vast majority of Americans, are more than ready for an overhaul of our country’s policy toward illegal aliens.
Last year, I introduced the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act (HR 4437), which passed the House of Representatives in December. The Senate is currently deliberating its version of an immigration bill, which by all accounts, appears to be headed in the wrong direction.
The bill that passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 27 repeats the mistakes made 20 years ago when we provided amnesty to illegal aliens and let unethical businesses off the hook. The Senate bill includes amnesty for the 11 to 12 million undocumented aliens in the US who have managed to elude the authorities. This is a slap in the face to those who are following the law and taking the right steps to enter this country. The Senate proposal absolves the wrongdoers and penalizes those who are obeying the law. I do not accept the claim made by some that this is not amnesty because among other things, illegal aliens would have to pay two fines of $1,000 each. It is offensive to me to think we have legislators who are considering selling US citizenship for $2,000. US citizenship is not for sale. It is a privilege bestowed upon those who appreciate its value, and who contribute to our nation by living in a manner that reflects the principles and ideology of being an American. When someone’s first step in this country is taken in direct violation of our laws, I cannot support a process that allows them to continue residing in the US, while others wait up to 20 years outside the US before they are able to take their first step into this country legally.
To end this migration of illegal aliens into the US, we must stop the businesses that hire them. Without employment opportunities, people will be less likely to break the law to enter this country. Moreover, companies that hire legal residents are placed at a disadvantage when compared to those that hire illegal aliens because they have to pay a higher wage to their employees. In order to survive, many of these ‘legitimate’ businesses have to depress their employees’ wages just to remain competitive with the companies that hire illegal aliens. This is bad for all the people involved, and it is bad for our economy. To address this, my bill requires businesses to verify the accuracy of employees’ social security numbers, and raises the penalties assessed to corporations that hire undocumented workers from $250 per illegal alien to $5,000 for first-time offenses.
It is time to tone down the rhetoric, and come to an understanding on this issue. We need to look at what Congress has done in the past, and learn from our mistakes because the current system isn’t working. Having 10,000 or 100,000 people marching in the streets of our nation might make for good television, but it doesn’t provide a solution.
Thank you.
Have you seen those chics at la-zona-modelos. These girls can hide in my house anytime if they are here illegally. By the way, a house would cost 5 times more if it wasn't for the illegal immigrants so stop bitching.
Illegals don't respect our laws because we don't respect them. The implicit promise of the 1986 amnesty was there would be better enforcement going forward. The implicit concession of the 1986 amnesty was that there were too many illegals with deep roots here already, with too many children who are natural born U.S. citizens,to deport them all.
A generation later we have repeated the same mistake. Sensenbrenner may be a bonehead about Iraq, but the statement quoted above is quite sensible.
Cut it off at the source:
- $50,000 fine per person for employing illegals.
- Goverment web site to screen/check SS #'s and id's will at least flush out the phony's and duplicates.
- Pass a law stating English is our national language that supercedes any spanish requirements on hospitals, banks, or public agencies. These places may have translators if they want to but there should be no law requiring the conducting of any public business in other than english.
- Same goes for spanish in the schools. Offer a two year transition class and that's it, mainstream or *leave*.
- Pass a national law that pre-empts states and cities such as Seattle that allow illegals. If you get pulled over for a traffic stop and there is *any* doubt as to immigration status, you must provide documentation or its a trip to the local police station.
Deny federal funds to any city that is light on this issue.
- Ammend the constitution to get rid of the drop a baby and they are a citizen clause. Make it effective retroactively 3 or 5 years to flush out the gold rush.
- If you want to apply for staying here you must do the following:
* Apply at the US embassy in your home country. Yes, you must go back on your own.
* Once here, you must learn English, or national language within a certain amount of time.
* Must have a sponsor, or assets (proven) similar to Canada so you will not be a burden on the system.
* Sponsoring employer must provide health insurance, or provide proof you provided it.
- Of course we limit the number we allow, but allow it to change year to year to respond dynamically to conditions.
I agree that illegals should not be here, and they should not be allowed to find jobs, but what if we don't give many of them amnesty, especially the ones that have worked here a long time and have actually been productive citizens of society?
I fear if there isn't some sort of compromise in Congress, we will literally have millions of people rioting in our urban cities. Don't be surprised if the Mount Pleasant/Columbia Heights area of DC goes completely haywire if Congress cracks down on all illegals already in the US.
P.S.: Doesn't it piss you off when these illegals holding their protests chant their slogans in Spanish? Hey illegals, if you want us to give a crap about what you say, speaking English is a good place to start.
No retards, a house would NOT cost more with out illegals, but health insurance WOULD COST LESS with out illegals in our country.
Home prices are set at market rate... and the home builders use mexicans as indentured slaves to improve TRoll brothers profit margin. Sad, but if they had to pay 'American' wages to build the homes, maybe more citizens could afford them thru higher wage growth. The illegals have depressed wages for most of the middle and lower middle class. Next the are gunning for the upper middle class and entry level upper class, because dorks like Bill Gates want to import millions from Indo-china to take jobs here.
"Illegal" means nothing when the federal government has no legitimacy. Washington, D.C. is simply a collection of crooks. Their laws should be ignored even with the bogus anointing by "democracy".
I know the fedgov can send men with guns for now, but when they go bankrupt and cannot pay anyone to shoot fellow citizens, we will have our vengeance.
Hey, I've got an idea. In order to show our resolve and prove this time is different from the last three times I suggest a radical course of action. Now I know, rash actions are never a good idea but hear me out. We need to emphasize we are a nation of laws. We also need to show that we can enforce our will. So, my suggestion is that in the intervening legislative period before any new policies come into effect we:
Enforce the existing laws.
Alright, stop laughing. I mean it. stop laughing! If you don't stop laughing I'll just, just forgive you, reward you and pass some new laws for you to laugh at... I mean obey.
Illegals aren't just building houses. They're protecting them from fire also.
Vicente Fox needs the death penalty, he has started a war with the US, these illegals are troops, and should be delt with as well, Fox should die for keeping Mexico the corrupt craphole it is, it has the same GDP as Canada for christ sake. Death.
This is the nightmarish scenario we face in trying to stop illegals from crossing into the Us. There was the story in LA times that thousands of illegals are using the sewer system which runs under Otay Mesa area San Diego near San Ysidro. Yes, they are actually crawling thru sewer pipes and popping open manhole covers all over Otay Mesa and hopping into nearby waiting smugglers vehicles:some have actually emerged from manholes right next to the Us Border Station in Otay/San Ysidro.
Blacks cost the US more in taxes than Mexicans. Why don't you cowards go after them?
Anyone who supports the government is a fool and a collectivist.
This is from 2002, things are now even worse.
From the L.A Times(2002)
1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A.County).
(All 10 from the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.
Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.
The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
Why not let the LEGAL CITIZENS of this country decide? Put a few immigration reform suggestions on a ballot and let us LEGAL citizens vote. I'm sure we know what's best for our own neighborhoods since WE live in them - not the bastard Congressmen. And while we're at it, let's impeach all those rotten politicians who got us into this mess!!!
Illegals are voting already. It is so easy to register for voting even without proper documentation (and multiple times). And most illegals have falsified or forged driver's licenses (btw, this is felony for US citizens).
Ted Kennedy opposes wind power since he does not want them near his summer house. Let's place 10,000 illegals living next to Ted Kennedy's summer house and see what he thinks then.
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