Here's some thoughts from Lou Dobbs on the growing problem, the mainstream media's gutless politically correct reporting, and the rise of radical leftists within the movement:
But only one newspaper, to its credit, reported that illegal aliens and their supporters' boycott of the national economy on the First of May is clear evidence that radical elements have seized control of the movement. The Washington Post, alone among national papers, reported that ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) has become an active promoter of the national boycott.
Some illegal immigration and open borders activists in the Hispanic community are deeply concerned about the involvement of the left-wing radical group. But others, like Juan Jose Gutierrez, whom I've interviewed a number of times over the past several months, manages to be both director of Latino Movement USA and a representative of ANSWER.
As Gutierrez told us on my show, "The time has come...where we need to stand up and make a statement. We need to do what the American people did when they pulled away from the British crown. And I am sure that back in those days many people were concerned that was radical action."
May 02, 2006
ILLEGAL aliens invade America's cities today
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There are radical leftists against Immigration I mean REALLY against immigration. Stop trying to pigeonhole immigration. You will be surprised where many different sides lay.
A recent poll showed that a higher percentage of Democrats than Republicans were against illegal immigration. I believe it was something like 78% vs 72%
The politicians need a kick in the ass. I work with two Hispanics, and both of them want the borders closed and illegal immigrants kicked out.
I think our children will learn to work and appreciate jobs, if we as parents show them how. My children will weed and do chores to learn the value of earing their own money. Our precious brats only learn from the bratty parents. We are both college- grad parents, and although I do not like scrubbing my own kitchen, I do. We need to stop buying 10 year olds cell phones and ipod and give them something better - responsibility and pride, before they get shoved to the back of the line in their own country.
Depends on the Republicans, the free enterprise libertarian branch more open to "letting the Hispanics compete in the labor market" dogma than the more racist populist types on the farm.
ANSWER is a Jewish front organization. Not only aren't they for workers, they aren't for Mexico or the Hispanics. They just want to cause friction in America by setting off Hispanics against Whites and Blacks by their actions. On the otherside, they will help give business major profits. Talk about a fraud.
It will take a united front between farmers, unionists, intellectuals and politicians to kick them out. Put your petty differences aside and work on that common goal.
housing anyone....anyone?
Don't worry, you can get some real cheap real soon.
I'm a NYC Police Officer. Today we had over 100,000 demonstrators in Union Square (Manhattan)that marched orderly on Broadway from Union Square to downtown Manhattan without any incidents. They were the most peaceful individuals that I have ever encountered in my 14 years as a NYC Police Officers. There was however one incident which resulted in an arrest, and as your post indicates, it involved a leftist/communist group that forcefully initiated a confrontation with uniformed police officers. One arrest was made. It is troubling that 100,000 immigrants showed up to demonstrate and not one was arrested, the only arrest was an American male white communist. I just found it ironic that the people who showed us the most respect were the people that our government wants to label as felons.
We MUST build a wall along the Mexican border. We must also deport all those who entered this land illegally and we must also deport any of their
off-springs/descendants. After all. they should not reap the benefits of citizenship since their parents/ancestors committed a crime and illegally entered this land. WHEN THE WALL IS ERECTED, THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE AFOREMENTIONED WILL BE RETROACTIVE TO 1492.
ANSWER is not a Jewish front group. In fact, they are stridently anti-Israel and pro-Palestine, along with a whole host of other fringe causes that they use to hijack other protest movements.
ANSWER is actually a front group for the Workers World Party, which is officially Stalinist. They broke from the Socialist Workers Party back in 1958, when the SWP condemned Soviet intervention in Hungary and refused to support Mao.
WWP more recently supported Milosevic's genocide campaigns in the former Yugoslavia.
They are truly awful people, the scum of the earth.
They want citizenship and voting rights, and along with that will come a much greater distribution of wealth. Look at what’s happening in south America and Mexico … Hugo Chavez, Lula da Silva, or soon to be Mexican President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
And just you know folks, I’m not talking about Teddy Kennedy Liberalism here … no, no, no … with their banana republic politics will come instability, poverty and corruption!
Oh … I know there are those that think this can’t happen … LOL … oh I can assure you it most certainly can happen.
Good, let it happen.
I'll be honest, I'm not raising my kids to go pick weeds or tomotoes or anything of the sort. I am making many sacrifices for them to get the best education which will afford them choices.
My parents didn't work the fields either they were city folks who made a living the best way they could. Even my grandparents wanted out of the farming business and did just that.
It's a false argument to suggest that american's aspire to the jobs these workers both legal and illegal's do. Will they do them? Yes, if need be. Do they want to? Nobody wants to end up in those jobs.
I don't know anyone who wants their kids to grow up to be janitors or pikers, etc. We want better for them and for our sisters and brothers and friends?
Who will raise their families to do the jobs immigrants (of all nationalities, visit SF for example or NYC)are doing?
Not me.
Unless we turn back the clock, I don't see anyone growing their own. Heck, American farmers are struggling. Aren't they?
What happened to the farming families of America? There is a lesson there for everyone.
I don't believe the letter from the alleged NYC police officer; it comes across as fraudulent. I also find anyone who spells America with a "k" to be suspiciously outdated. That went out with '70s radicals and ugly feminists in Earth Shoes.
"But who is going to work all the low-paying, thankless jobs? Surely not the children of white middle-class Amerikkka. Not those precious brats."
If a Mexican wrote this (and I doubt it), then my question to you is: What business is this of yours? This is not your country.
There is no real issue here. More than ten million Mexicans are illegally in the United States. The news tonight reported that many construction sites were closed today today because their Mexican workers were busy protesting. So how come our police were not out arresting the immoral, cheapskate owners of these companies that illegally hire illegal immigrants? These so called business men and women are breaking the law for their own excessive profit. One can only imagine the quality of work done by people who can't read English instructions on a package, and who have no incentive (good pay) to do a good job.
The Senate immigration bill headed for a vote provides for THIRTY MILLION GREEN CARDS to be given to illegals, who, after two years, can petition to bring their families into the country. Can America afford to absorb THIRTY MILLION POOR ILLITERATE MEXICANS AND, LATER, THEIR FAMILIES?
I do not fault illegal immigrants for wanting to become Americans, but I do fault them for cheating, invading our country, and marching in the streets demanding citizenship and rights. Their hubris is astounding.
We don't need a new immigration bill; we need our current laws to be enforced, and politicians and police officers who refuse to enforce them should be arrested, fired, and convicted. They are all in violation of their oaths of office.
If you think Mexicans are going to grow our crops because we won't, what happens when they too become middle class and refuse to do hard labor? Will we then have to import slaves from some other Third World country? Get serious. Many of our fruits and vegetables are imported from South and Central America, and farmers here are paid fortunes by the government NOT to grow certain crops (artifically keeping prices high).
If American farmers were required to pay real wages to their workers, they would have far more American candidates, and it would not seriously raise prices, especially if our government stopped all the subsidies, and farmers actually started FARMING for their primary incomes. Subsidies are unjust welfare, and farmers (i.e., corporations) who take them are maggots.
A nation cannot survive if it must forever be looking for new sources of miserably poor people to exploit with unpleasant jobs. This has been tried a thousand times by a hundred civilizations, and has never worked out, as many European nations are now discovering with imported Muslims.
Americans are perfectly capable of picking their own crops, cleaning their own buildings, and raising their own children. It isn't that hard. We could even institute National Service, and make crop-picking part of a two-year mandatory program. Who cares? The point is, that we do not need Mexican slaves. Terrible employers may want them, but the operative word here is "terrible."
I'll be honest, I'm not raising my kids to go pick weeds or tomotoes or anything of the sort.
If you honestly think that illegals only scrub toilets and pick lettuce, then you are sadly misinformed.
One good blue-collar job after another has become a "job Americans won't do" as illegals have been used to cut the wages by half or more.
While you might think that carpentry and meatpacking are too déclassée for your privileged children, generations of Americans fed their kids on those jobs.
But not any more, not since management discovered an inexhaustible source of cheap, easily exploited labor.
Anonymous said . . .
"One good blue-collar job after another has become a 'job Americans won't do' as illegals have been used to cut the wages by half or more."
That's for sure, and let's not forget all the outsourcing by huge companies like Dell, too cheap to pay fair wages to Americans.
I don't believe there is any honest, harmless job Americans won't do if fairly compensated. Farming and cleaning are not degrading, except to the pretentious twit who thinks so, and why should anybody care about the opinions of pretentious twits?
If there truly is a need for more manual labor, then increase the number of work visas for those people. There is no justification for importing tens of millions of slave laborers who have no rights and are abused by their employers. Those employers who repeatedly hire illegal aliens should be flogged, tarred and feathered.
What is the real cost of that low paying job? A potential job is taken from a non-illegal who has a much higher likelihood of paying taxes. I don't think the wages for those jobs could still stay low if the employee and employer had to pay the real taxes that are due. Those millions of jobs are creating a small percentage of the actual tax revenue that is due while in the mean time the illegal workers are creating undue strain on the public services of education and emergency health. Yes, I am rambling but the point is that the job is not so cheap once you really look at it, the illegal job is only a way of transferring the onus of the illegal to the society as a whole. If people are going to be here they need to contribute to the tax system.
Oh give me a break! If agribusiness, corporate home builders. The meat packing industry etc did not want illegals in the country thay would have been gone long ago. Corporate interests drive the illegal immigration problem which shapes BushCo's motivation.
Its odd that nobody in the media has picked up on the fact that the present "immigrant movement" has no signs of being a grassroots movement. It isn't a grass roots movement. The hispanic and immigrant community is too smart to have come up with what we are seeing played. Follow the money!
If janitors made 50K per year plenty of parents would want there kids to go into the biz. If they made 100K a year you would have fan magazines devoted to the American Janitor. If they made 1M a year they would have their mugs on bubble gum trading cards. It is not the job its the pay that is important to most americans.
Using the word 'illegal' is a typical example of demonizing the wrong group by people that want to keep their easy lifestyles at the expense of somebody else.
Most 'unoffical' immigrants are welcomed by government, employers and the American middle class to maintain their gardens, clean their houses, fixup homes, run restaurants and so much more. The ones I knew personally are honest hard working people (for the lowest wages) and do pay taxes.
I think blaming immigrants for the current inflation falls into the same category as blaming oil companies for making too much money while most of the gasoline price is determined by taxes.
The American standard of living will go down since about the only thing produced in the US these days is the export of debt. Do not try to blame it on anything else.
Most of you would probably fail in civics and history. Mexican immigrants and workers have beeen in this country longer than most of you and your parents and your grandparents. The only group who has not assimilated. I don't know what kid wants to clean toilets, even for 100 thousand a year. Hell how many husband will do it just to get some nookie? hahahahah
Since Indians are allowed to live anywhere in North or South America, why does the Mexican government protect its borders with their military?
The term illegal immigrant is the correct term to use on people who violate immigration laws. Most middle-class Americans do not support law-breakers and cheaters who cut in line ahead of legal immigrants. It is the greedy businessmen whose addiction for slave labor that lobbies in favor of illegal immigration. They get the cheap labor and profits while taxpayers get to foot the medical and education bills
All you pretentious pieces of crap who are too good to wipe your own ass don't have a clue about life. When the Third World masses take over this country, your little pieces of paper from college will be worth less than toilet paper.
Except my two pieces of paper. I am a liability for Wells Fargo :) They want me to earn good money so I pay off my student loans. LOL. By the way, I worked as an electronic tech for ten years before I went back to school for my "liberal arts" degrees.
Its good to see this blog embraces xenophobia and illiberality. Illegal immigrants are the new scapegoats for a failing global economy. Get your brown shirts on people, your leader will emerge soon. Will it be Lou Dobbs?
I know of several immigrants who work at my pharmaceutical company who are being sponsored for citizenship. They came here legally by filling out the correct paperwork and have been waiting patiently for 2 or more years for their citizenship. Granted, these people are educated and will go far in life because they've done things by the book.
Los Angeles was very nice with all the illegals at the protests. No traffic, easy shopping, less smog, etc. Plus I imagine the government was down there with hidden cameras so they could photograph and identify the Mexican Insurgents for deportation or reprograming.
douglasbtrain said...
"Oh Yeah! Illegal! Arrest people! Get a clue. Ever broke the speed limit, smoked pot, or stolen anything? Well then you're a criminal who needs to be arrested and sent to prison. Give me a break."
People who do illegal drugs or steal often DO go to prison, so your point is pointless. Illegals are engaged in crime 24/7 by virtue of being here. They are trespassers, no different from someone breaking into your home and setting up camp there, then telling you to support and accept them, and everything that goes with them including crime, disease, destruction of your property, and who knows what else. If you are a U.S. citizen, try pulling this stunt in Mexico and see how long you remain free.
We don't need to get a clue, you do. And you've obviously had one too many breaks already--unfortunately with reality.
Incidentally, I don't smoke pot, but I can well believe you do on a regular basis; your babble is characteristic of the symdrome.
One american half breed
Nice to see that you are so upfront about your racism.
Oh, oh, oh... yeah you know the places called Santa Barbara and Santa Clara, Monterrey ... on and on and on. It's a clue numbnuts.
Yes, those places were named by European colonialists who enslaved the native inhabitants.
Are you trying to make some kind of point here? Your illiteracy makes it very hard to tell.
I have to vouch for the police officer from NY who posted here. I work in downtown Chicago, and I saw the protest first hand. It was the most massive demonstration I have ever seen, but it was an entirely peaceful gathering. I was a broad swath of people. Mostly mexican, but a bunch of other folks in it too. There were young, old, women, and some children in it. They were chanting "Si, se puede" (yes, we can), but some were also chanting "U.S.A.". Some were waving mexican flags, but many more were waving american flags. They weren't the nasty lazy brown people that many would have you believe. I know many people who have immigrated here "the good old fashioned way". Gone are the days where you just showed up at ellis island, and if you weren't carrying disease and weren't a psychopath you were given a green card. You have to jump through a dozen different hoops, fill out countless forms, fulfill a myriad of visa requirements, somehow get sponsored by a company (the company has to prove that an American can't be hired for the same job; what usually happens is that they post absurdly low wages so that only the immigrant will be the one who wants the job). It's hard as hell. It's no wonder that they would rather pay Lowbrow the Smuggler 100 bucks to stuff them into a cargo container and somehow survive a trip across the border, and risk not becoming a plantation slave (yes, there are SLAVES in this country today, working on PLANTATIONS, only they are MEXICAN).
From a Libertarian standpoint, these immigrants are a net benefit to the economy. They pay local and state taxes (property tax, gas tax, cigarette tax, liquor tax, sales tax, etc). They don't pay income tax, but generally they make so little money they would be getting a tax credit from the gummint as well as food stamps and medicare. Yes, they send their kids to our schools, but since their kids are US citizens by birth anyway, they have that right. Many of them don't have health care and we foot the bill when they go to the emergency room, but I know PLENTY of white people and black people who are forced into that situation as well.
I don't know what the solution is, but making them felons and deporting them not only isn't feasible logistically, it is morally wrong and will hurt the economy.
SoCal had a great day, no traffic, emergency rooms were almost completely empty, school classrooms half full so students who DID show up got more attention. Gee, isn't that how life SHOULD be around here ? The illegals only showed us how F'd up our lives have become because of them.
Ferromancer said...
Oh who cares what Ferromancer said? Illegal immigrants are not a net benefit to our society; they cost a fortune in crime, welfare, hospital bills, education, lowered wages, and destruction of property, and it is mostly the greedy businesses that employ them that are coming out ahead.
There is no difference between the importation of Mexican slaves and the importation of black slaves a hundred and fifty years ago. Both where used by BUSINESS PEOPLE to do miserable labor at "affordable" cost, and the fact that millions of Mexicans WANT to be slaves doesn't change a thing.
Incidentally, it is not true that babies born here are automatically U.S. citizens. The U.S. Supreme Court has never ruled on this, stating only that babies born here are legal "persons," entitled to Constitutional rights. The Supreme Court has also ruled that corporations are legal "persons" entitled to Constitutional rights. So "anchor babies" rate no higher with the Court than Rooms-to-Go. Inc. The court does not define all healthy, living biological persons (such as 9-month unborn children) as legal "persons," or all legal "persons" as biological. It's definitions often don't make sense, and its reason and logic cannot be counted on by anybody. This is the same court that decided last year in favor of cities using eminent domain to seize private property for condo developers.
If President Bush wants to know why his popularity ratings are so low, perhaps somebody should tell him that this country does not belong to cheap employers and corporate powers, but to all of its CITIZENS. The next time Mexico's President Fox shows up to be boot-licked, Bush should kick his unconscionable ass out. Any politician--from a president to a mayor or city councilman--who betrays his oath of office for votes should be removed from office, and justly prosecuted. This is yet another law politicians simply ignore.
How can you vouch for the alleged NYPD officer if you are in Chicago? You are a dirtbag liar just like that fake officer.
Just because there are American citizens on welfare does not obligate us to put Mexican citizens on welfare too. Using your retarded illogic, we should also put the rest of the world's population on welfare.
I think it is incrediable that we have passed the Patriots Act to "protect our country from terrorism" but allow thousands of undocumented aliens to cross our borders every year.
Instead of protecting foreign borders maybe our military should be patrolling our own borders - then we would not have the problem of "illegals".
I wonder if the illegals who boycotted our businesses on May 1st also boycotted the free emergency medical services we provide?
The "old days" of showing up at Ellis Island are over - September 11th happened.
If you do not want to follow our laws and go through the process of becoming a citizen - DON'T - stay in your own country.
if you follow the argument that the US "stole" the southwest from Mexico, then by logical conclusion the spanish stole the land of mexico from the original Aztec and other native Mexican tribes abd therefore all the Mexicans who are partially descended from the original spanish conquistadors should immediately give Mexico back to the original aztec indians and leave. That would be an exodus of 90 % of the population. It is also likely that if the US did not aquire this hugh and mostly empty territory then the French, English or the Russians would have aquired it. Mexico was at that time a newly-formed weak indian republic and it's hugh unocupied territories to the north would have been an easy target for the still powerful old european powers. The US merely preempted a european power grap by aquiring this territory ahead of the europeans(combining the Monroe Doctrine with bismarckian realpolitics).
Photos I took of the rally in Chicago, that I submit to you without comment.
Perhaps I have a different perspective than the rest of you. I grew up in a neighborhood where most of the people were either immigrants or the children of immigrants. This is a vibrant, economically sucessful mixed income neighborhood with an excellent school district (Lincolnwood-Skokie, just north of Chicago). Were some of these immigrants illegal? That is a possibility. What makes an illegal immigrant so fundamentally different from a legal immigrant (i.e., more than "they broke the law to get here")? They come here for the same reasons: to work hard an take part in the american dream.
And no, I don't believe in Aztlan. Immigrants who come here, if they want to get anywhere, should learn to speak English. The market will bear this out.
I looked up David March. It's tragic, and god-awful. Copkillers are the worst scum on the planet. They put out rap albums glorifying it for heaven's sake. However, are you somehow trying to demonstrate that because a Mexican killed a cop and fled to Mexico, that all mexican immigrants are evil? What about the countless Italian mobsters who kill cops and flee to Sicily? Should we cart all the Italians back to Italy? What about all copkillers in the ghetto? Should we send all the blacks to Liberia?
regarding this whole "mexico once owned this land so its ok to take it back" arguement... so who built all the infrastructure in this land ? the schools, freeways, etc ? If it was owned by mexico today, would all that have been built ? we would have a border with mexico farther north of where it is now, and they would still cross the border to come to this country.
nyc cop said . . .
"So as I've said before, isn't it ironic that the people that our government wants to label "felons" are the people that showed us the most respect as this event."
Again, I challenge your claim to be a NYC policeman, and suspect you're Hispanic. Our "government" does not want to label illegal Mexican immigrants "felons." Crossing into this country without permission is a misdemeanor (a non-indictable offense), not a felony, and legislators are not the government; they are only one of three branches. This is political hogwash. Republicans tried to change the word "felony" to "misdemeaner" in a law some are supporting, but Democrats prefered "felony" because it sounded scary and would get Hispanics riled up against Republicans.
The majority "government" in point of fact, supports illegal immigration, and does absolutely noting to curtail it.
Yes, but when we do actually come out and vote on a bill, it gets passed and then the nice judges strike it down as unconstitutional.
Mexicans fleeing Mexico are not improving Mexico or addressing its problems. They are also not improving conditions in this country by providing slave labor to unethical business interests. This simply rewards endless greed and exploitation.
This is my last letter on the subject, because I do not want to contribute to anger on either side, and I'm afraid that by allowing myself to be dragged into the argument (I've posted several letters concerning illegal immigration), I've potentially made matters worse. When I see other writers agreeing with me and then getting carried away, it doesn't make me happy; it worries me. If I throw a rock into a pond, I'm responsible for the ripples.
The immigration threads on this blog are probably bad ideas. I realize Keith wants to incite controversy to boost readership (is it working?), but is THIS ethical? I doubt that a single mind has been changed by anything published here, though prejudices on both sides have almost certainly been heightened. Rants are not reason, and ranters are not reasonable.
One need not be a bigot to contribute to a climate of hatred and discord; one need only provide a forum and a shove.
I'm gay, so you seeing naked in a gunbelt might make my day. Si???
Hey Lemming, you have your talking points down. The truth cuts to close to the bone and the insults fly. You have effectively proved my point.
La cucaracha
la cucaracha
ya no puede trabajar
por que le falta
por que le falta
mexicano pa abusar
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