Let's hear it for our favorite realtor troll. Without Osman, how could we have proven that realtors have no morals? Without Osman, how could we see the selfishness, denial, wrongheadedness, paranoia and corruption of those in the real estate profession?
Osman, you truly are an asset to HousingPanic. Thanks for posting, thanks for visiting, thanks for contributing.
Enjoy your big day. We love you big guy!
May 12, 2006
HousingPanic declares May 13, 2006 "Osman Appreciation Day"
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lol. namlook is one of my favorite artists.
he got obscured by klaus here.
Osman sucks, like all other Realtor scam artists, they are lower than used car salesman.
Osman - if you blow any more wind up your own ass you are going to pop just like the RE bubble! Glad you're highly employable - Burger King needs help.
I get my own day? Sweet!
Feel free to check out my blog and form your own opinions.
Let us not dump on Osman...he seems like a good sort of person outside of his Realtor@ job.
Osman, could you tell us a little about yourself? Your interests. The causes you support. Some more interesting viewpoints like your comments on marketing?
We must be fair....
By the way, Keith...
Why don't you tell us all about the noble profession you've got as a marketer? Love to hear how your ethics keep you from promoting the mindless consumerism you rant and rave about.
Hummer isn't one of your clients, are they?
Sorry Mr. Smith, running out to a meeting and probably won't be back online till tomorrow (or maybe late tonight).
My bio is on my website.
Osman your an OK in my book and a credit to your profession. You are cool enough to enjoy the little gigs here at HP. I always look forward to your stopping by to post. It was nice of Keith to honor you. I think you guys should get your own gig on Fox News.
os, HP wouldn't be the same without you. truly. when I'm in boulder, I'll buy you a (belated) drink in honor of Osman appreciation day
On my profession, let's just say I, like your friend who went green, left big oil to go out and try to change the world - make it a better place.
twib - in realtor class, did they beat you if you don't put the TM after REALTOR?
I agree, Twib, we shouldn't call realtors whores. Just think how the whores feel.
Exactly, The whores would'nt want to be under the same class as a realtor!! hehe.
Doctors that work for free? Really? Please let us know where this happens because I am sure there are lots of people in need.
Doctors are on the top of my chit list. Every single human being will need one and each and every one of them will pay through the nose. Good ones are hard to find these days and those that go into medicine for a reason other than money went extinct didn't they?
Lawyers are greedy but at least you have to do something wrong or caught in something to need them.
Realtors have to make a living but why do they have to be such aceholes?
Do docs made more money than lawyers?
Keith - you should remove this "Osman Appreciation Day" post, just like you removed some defamatory posts last week.
Lawyers are greedy but at least you have to do something wrong or caught in something to need them.
If you are charged with a crime, your friends may desert you but your lawyer will stand tall and fight for your acquittal.
In the same case, your realtor will look for a better class of client.
I am going to close on my lake view property in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in two weeks. After that, I hope the govt. will grant all you jerks your wish and sent back all the cheap illegal immigrants. With the value of the $ diminishing and the cheap labors are gone, my house should be worth at least double in a year.
I am so glad the 1st ammendment trumps that crap.
"Keith - you should remove this "Osman Appreciation Day" post"
Osman - your call. If this tribute offends you in any way, I'll take 'er down, and your big day will go unnoticed.
This was a salute to Osman folks. He makes this board interesting.
I just don't see the issue Kieth has with Osman. Other than of course Osman is not name Joe
Joey ... talk about "inflammatory!"
This post doesn't offend me at all. Thanks for the tribute Keith.
For the record, I think the whole Realtor (TM) thing is ridiculous as well. Don't know who approved that idea at NAR, but they should have spent more time focus group testing.
Twib, you're right. Nearly every profession seems fair game. And if the job makes alot of dough and gives little back, it's even more a target.
I, too, think Osman is okay in my book. At least he is bothering to look at other points of view unlike 99.9% of real estate agents who would rather bury their heads in the sand. In case you haven't learned from the religious nuts, it doesn't do any good to harass people - It just makes them more resistant to your message. Demonizing people just leads them to want to screw you even more, just to deflect the hate. Don't we live in polarized enough times already? I have the greatest respect for Keith for getting the word out, and I have a lot of respect for the dignity that Osman has displayed on these boards in the face of relentless (personal) attacks. Can't we all just get along?
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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