May 09, 2006

Hmmm.. maybe this housing bubble thing is all a bit silly

Obviously the end of timers are a bit in a tither about the current events, and the perceived alignment of China, Russia and Iran (gog) versus the US, UK, France and Germany (magog).

Then you throw Iraq (Mesopotamia) and Israel (Megiddo)into the mix, and Bush's Armageddon obsession and Mahmoud's Hidden Imam beliefs, and POW - here comes the rapture

So... rapture... can't be too good for housing prices... or the world economy...


Have fun... chatter away...

Oh, man, has HousingPanic opened up a can of worms now...


Anonymous said...

oh, man, we're screwed

41cadillac said...


You have used a poster created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Perhaps you might invite 2 of those Mormon Missionaries to give you their second opinion. You will find them riding on bicycles with white shirts and tie. 41cadillac

Anonymous said...

Chicken Little just made a whole lot of dollars today.

Anonymous said...

What are you thinkin'

First you start talking about a housing bubble, and NOW its happening.

Then you go out and buy Gold (GLD) and it hits $701 today, a 26 year high.

Now this, you had to start the Rapture post. Jeez, I cant keep up (and neither can maoutain house freeze dried I run out and sell the house, I run out and plung all my profits into gold now I cant get emergency storage foods. Walmart stopped selling ammo. Stop predicting things, you are scaring me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is Wal Mart having a clearance sale on ammo?

Anonymous said...

According to a tradition of dispensationalist Biblical hermeneutics, Gog and Magog are supposed to represent Russia. The Scofield Reference Bible's notes to Ezekiel claim that "Meshech" is a Hebrew form of Moscow, and that "Tubal" represents the Siberian capital Tobolsk. This identification of Gog with Russia, and Cold War tensions with the West and with Israel, led Hal Lindsey to claim that the former Soviet Union would play a major role in end times prophecies.

Anonymous said...

keith - you are on crack

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to add that you would find this reference in Ezekiel 38 and that it's commonly thought that this passage refers to a last days prophesy occuring about the time of the great tribulation. It does not appear to be the battle of Armegeddon but is certainly about that time frame.

Anonymous said...

Oh, forgot to add that you would find this reference in Ezekiel 38 and that it's commonly thought that this passage refers to a last days prophesy occuring about the time of the great tribulation. It does not appear to be the battle of Armegeddon but is certainly about that time frame.

This is flat out demented.... pure bogus superstition that is pushed by a bunch of idiot preachers.

America is a child of the Enlightenment. We do not slaver to the words of some 2,000yo religious lunatic from the ME desert. We use science and reason to understand our world. And we do not believe in devils, angels, hell, and virgin births, or Gog-magog because it is ignorant. No other way to put it...ignorant.

Thomas Jefferson would turn over in his grave if he could see the ignorance of the average religious American.

Anonymous said...

this blog is the most fun blog i visit every day

you're a whack job, but damn, if you don't tell it like it is

we're screwed

Bill said...

We are screwed, but hey it was fun while it lasted, and as long as i am with my family and i have my shotgun by my side i will go down like the fool that i am.

Anonymous said...

let's see...

in the US the religious fundamentalists have taken control of the government

in Iran the religious fundamentalists have taken control of the government

this is NOT looking good

I think it's time for regular people to get their asses to the voting booth...and for regular business Republicans to stand up and take their party back!

Anonymous said...

"This is flat out demented.... pure bogus superstition that is pushed by a bunch of idiot preachers..."

Really Mr. Smith, if you are honest in your assessment, you'll find that if you study the scriptures you'll find out otherwise. Your statement, though passionate, is without research or merit. I would invite you to study those prophesies in Biblical scripture concerning Jesus Christ, his birth, life and resurrection first. Then, after qualifying the prophecies as accurate, you will have the basis to move on towards studying those additional prophecies concerning His return. The prophecies Jesus Christ fulfilled are remarkable. Even when taken one at a time they are astounding. But considering that there were dozens He fulfilled you'd conclude it to be completely impossible for any other man to fulfill. Additionally you'll eventually have to make the case that these words, written from 800 to well over 1,000 years previous to Christ, were perfectly accurate thus compelling belief that they, the words of prophecy, were inspired by God. If you really are a man of science, then you'd have to recognize the formidable lack of probability leading to a statistical impossibility that any other man could have met the scriptural requirements of the Messiah as Jesus Christ did. As an "enlightened" 21st century scientist you'd surely have to be willing to evaluate this with an open mind, if you have one. Post here if you wish some supportive evidence and I'll reply.

Anonymous said...

Interesting quote by Reagan...

"Everything is falling into place. It can't be too long now. Ezekiel says that fire and brimstone will be rained upon the enemies of God's people. That must mean they'll be destroyed by nuclear weapons... Gog, the nation that will lead all of the other powers of darkness against Isreal, will come out of the north... Gog, must be that Russia has set itself against fits the description of Gog perfectly."

-- Future President Ronald Reagan, (1971)

Anonymous said...

this "rapture" thing seems to be a strictly american phenomenon, perhaps just like most ufo sightings are by americans.....

Anonymous said...

Guns, ammo and land is what you will need. You people holed up in your house sitting on a postage stamp are totally screwed because even if you have a gun, the walls of your US homes built shack are so thin that the bullets from others guns will cut right thru them like a knife thru butter.

I'm safely perched on vast acerage at the top of a hill in my (concrete poured walls) fortress so I will see the mob coming and wipe them out easily if they try and get to my stash.

Ditto for those around me. We are ready. The rest of you probably got about 5-10 years to prepare. But if you are in one of those US homes shacks, forget it.


Anonymous said...

Rapture or RUPTURE?

Anonymous said...

Well said, autofx in Phx, well said.

Anonymous said...


"1n 1953, a University of Chicago graduate student named Stanley Miller working in Harold Urey's lab flipped a switch sending electric current through a chamber containing a combination of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water. The experiment yielded organic compounds including amino acids, the building blocks of life, and catapulted a field of study known as exobiology into the headlines. Since that time a new understanding of the workings of RNA and DNA, have increased the scope of the subject. Moreover, the discovery of prebiotic conditions on other planets and the announcement of a bacterial fossil originating on Mars has brought new attention to the study of life's origins. I spoke with Dr. Miller in his lab at UCSD about the field he has helped to make famous, exobiology. "

Anonymous said...

It's really amazing how people will flat-out ignore science in an attempt to rationalize their superstitions. Eyes are too complex to have evolved?

"Here's how some scientists think some eyes may have evolved: The simple light-sensitive spot on the skin of some ancestral creature gave it some tiny survival advantage, perhaps allowing it to evade a predator. Random changes then created a depression in the light-sensitive patch, a deepening pit that made "vision" a little sharper. At the same time, the pit's opening gradually narrowed, so light entered through a small aperture, like a pinhole camera.

Every change had to confer a survival advantage, no matter how slight. Eventually, the light-sensitive spot evolved into a retina, the layer of cells and pigment at the back of the human eye. Over time a lens formed at the front of the eye. It could have arisen as a double-layered transparent tissue containing increasing amounts of liquid that gave it the convex curvature of the human eye.

In fact, eyes corresponding to every stage in this sequence have been found in existing living species. The existence of this range of less complex light-sensitive structures supports scientists' hypotheses about how complex eyes like ours could evolve. The first animals with anything resembling an eye lived about 550 million years ago. And, according to one scientist's calculations, only 364,000 years would have been needed for a camera-like eye to evolve from a light-sensitive patch. "

Ask yourself which is more likely: That a light-sensitive patch evolved over hundreds of thousands of years into an eye, or that your Big Sky Daddy created it. Put down your big book of myths and open your eyes.