Good column in the Financial Times today on "Mr. Market" - where success breeds excess, where short term stabilizing policy actually leads to long term instability, and where unchecked credit-fueled speculation leads to financial collapse.
Yes, it will all seem so obvious looking back on it. I have never been more convinced that this worldwide asset and credit bubble has turned the corner, and an ugly fall and unraveling is now underway.
Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett’s teacher, used to warn that the person he called “Mr Market” is a neurotic: his moods fluctuate between incredible optimism and overwhelming depression. At present, he is moving from insouciance to anxiety and so from riskier assets towards cash or even that classic hedge – gold.
One thing, as Mr White notes, history makes clear: “a preceding period of price stability is not sufficient to avoid serious macroeconomic downturns”. High inflation did not precede the great depression of the 1930s, Japan’s lost decade in the 1990s or the emerging market crises in east Asia in 1997 and 1998. What preceded all these extreme events were credit-fuelled investment booms in an era of stable inflation.
I am inclined to think that policymakers should take some account of emerging financial imbalances – including growing indebtedness – in monetary policy. In any case, the wise investor cannot ignore such developments. In the expansionary phase a euphoric Mr Market will always ignore the accumulation of risks. But sooner or later he will wake up to them – and promptly start panicking. It is what he is doing now. He is, after all, only human.
May 24, 2006
Financial Times: After ignoring the accumulation of risks comes panic
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Senate votes to hike fines for employers By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer
24 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Employers would face fines as high as $20,000 for hiring undocumented workers and have to screen all new hires as part of legislation that would grant legal status to millions of illegal immigrants.
The Austrians figured it out long ago.
Fiat money really has three cycles. In the first, incomes rise faster than inflation, which itself is mild, so no one notices and everyone is happy. Credit booms and people are getting rich--at least on paper. The economy is "new", everything is different "this time", and euphoria reigns.
In the second phase, all that credit and printed money begins to trickle down into broad price increases, and inflation starts to run away. Incomes can no longer keep up. People start to feel the squeeze, beginning with the worst-off and moving up through the tax brackets. Unrest grows.
In the third phase, government tries to "do something about it" by printing money at an accelerating pace. This becomes hyperinflation, and it eventually destroys the currency base and essentially defaults the nation.
We are currently transitioning from the second phase to the third. In the past month, realization of this has begun to sweep through the press, of course, lagging behind the common experience of most people.
The third phase, hyperinflation, can only be avoided in two ways:
a) An intentional, painful deflation (as in the great depression). Huge chunks of the financial sector default.
b) Delivery of "tough medicine", responsible governance, meaning high taxes, steep spending cuts, hard money, and high interest rates.
My guess is we will are more likely to go the route of (b). However, given the elimination of M3, perhaps we really will just have hyperinflation after all.
These are all good points. But, I just don't understand why gold is still trading like a stock. I would have thought that gold would be rising on all this news, but it's not.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to why.
Is there a trigger out there that will change the market thinking?
"But, I just don't understand why gold is still trading like a stock"
It's not trading like a stock. it's trading lke a commodity, which it is.
"But, I just don't understand why gold is still trading like a stock"
It's not trading like a stock. it's trading lke a commodity, which it is.
Because of GLD. It is like a stock. When people chose physical delivery - it'll be like .... to the moon.
Groucho asks why gold prices aren't rising-
IMO the price of gold is manipulated by central banks acting in concert. Ben Bernanke has hinted many times that he and other central bankers will do what is necessary to maintain "price stability".
The commodities markets are so small compared with equities and bonds, it is fairly easy for central banks to effect changes at the margins. Everything has its limit though, and at some point they will not be able to "hide the weenie" anymore. No one really knows what that limit might be. Our Federal Reserve is rumored to have a slush fund of $20B-$50B available for contingency use. If the Bank of Japan and the EU central bank have similar funds, then they could potentially block any upward, breakout moves in gold prices through manipulations in the futures markets.
You are 100% right about the boomers - half of them can't retire and some actually think they will be OK with Social Security.
Their kids are even worse off financially with most planning on inheriting some bucks or property when the old folks die - LOL!
The Feds will try to inflate all of their troubles away -- easy for them but it will sink living standards here, especially for people on fixed incomes.
Gold is cheap
y'all are chicken littles
"oh my god....the sky is falling!!!"
Today's Housing Report - Bull!!
Yes, new house sales are up because new builders are DUMPING houses at steep discounts. . .my local paper is full of "free upgrades", $50K off, etc. . .didn't any LAZY reporter notice the prices from March was down 7% and home inventory is at an all time high???
Maybe if the Gov't didn't tax away all are money we'd save some. Social Security Taxs started at 1%. It was an inssurance program not a retirement plan. Now SS taxs are 15%. With 15% of my income I could plan a better retirement. I wouldn't have all Gov't bonds! It's a trap I tell you! When do we pick up are pitch forks and torches?
"New Home Prices Climb in April..." Where are they getting this info. and how far will the media go with this one for the NAR?
hey autofx.......are you convinced that today is like 1929?
then today is your lucky are going to be rich!! borrow to the hilt and sell short in all the indexes (dow jones, s&p, housing index, etc).....sell options on the above too!
i am so tired of chicken littles who are sooooo sure that the sky is falling.......if they are sooooo sure, they can profit from it immensely
the fact is, they remain unsure, and remain poor
Love what Timba said in the comments above. People get more and more angry everytime they look at their paycheck and its been picked to the bone. We're so worried about Osama and his boys....what we need is some righteous Americans to start some domestic terrorism against these damn politicians who keep raising taxes.
I think these are already happening:
1. Progressive dollar devaluation (inflation) at a measured rate (~10%).
A buck just does not buy what it used to. M3 is through the roof.
2. Underreported CPI adjustments so that SSI, Medicaire and the like will see progessive cuts (in real dollars) each year.
They have taken out factors like energy and food to cook the numbers.
4. Progressive price increases in hard assets and metals: within 5 years gold ~$1600, silver ~$60, oil ~$200.
Gold and other metals way up. Titanium, steel, copper, even aluminum too.
5. Income taxes and all manner of fees will increase yearly to manage the ever present federal and state deficits.
They have taken out a lot of deductions that used to be there, effectively raising the taxes.
Dearest autofx.....
I have 100% of my money in stocks and real estate and have done so for the past 24 years. 15% of my salary goes into buying mutual funds (and later ETFs) based on the S & P 500..... shares are purchased for me on a monthly basis like clockwork.
Autofx - this strategy has made me a multi-millionaire. In fact, I challenge you to find one stock picker or stock fund not named Buffett who can beat the returns (including management fee expenses!!) of buying the S & P monthly since 1982 (or 1929 for that matter).
Oh yeah - my home is paid off, and I have two rental properties...all paid off. I look forward to collecting your rent in the future autofx.
If you have a payroll job your part of the problem. W2's are evil. If everyone in the US when self employed the Gov't wouldn't last six months. Tax withholdings are what is keep this Gov't alive. How many times do you have to hear them ask for your "Papers" to get it!
You do the math:
1982 Starting Starting Salary: 25,000
% Funds put into S&P 500 monthly: 15%-25% (10% 401k match)
S&P 500 in 1982: 120
Since 1982, bought 7 homes and sold four.......currently live in one, and have two as rental properties (all mortgages on all homes are paid off)
Let me know what you come up with........last I checked my net is somewhere north of 2.2MM
Or as you succintly put it...."Let's see it, whuddya got?"
The stupidest things I've seen during the Housing Bubble Ponzi Scheme
How bout the so called Holy Grail of automatic trading
Cut and paste this crock below:
Gold is headed towards 500..
Speculators in copper/silver etc will be smothered as well////
Keith, your 100 shares of slv and 500 shares of gld is not looking too good today.....COP is suckin too.
Groucho asks why gold prices aren't rising-
As I posted some where else yesterday, there are huge hedge funds protecting their huge SHORT positions. There is a battle out there. The LONGS are fighting back. The huge volatility we are seeing in the last few days in GOLD is due to these Hedge Fund manipulations. Stay the course. Some of them are fighting for survival by forcing down the Gold prices. Let us help the LONG fighters and buy GOLD every time it drops.
The Sultan of Babylon.
If you need more evidence that we're in trouble.
The Sultan of Babylon.
The new "home sales" report will be revised downwords just like March was. No surprise there.
autofx is chickensh*t
Great sale on Gold today. Bought a whole bunch. Didn't really need more, but who can resist such a great sale price?
Jim Sinclair’s Commentary:
Keep firmly in mind that in order to make gold DULL you need to make the dollar SHINE.
Dearest autofx (again)-
15% of my salary goes into buying mutual funds (and later ETFs) based on the S & P 500..... shares are purchased for me on a monthly basis like clockwork.
Good luck with your Da Vinci Code trading system
Autofx in Phx, I am glad you are making good money day trading foreign currency, no doubt after seeing an infomercial and attending a free get-rich-quick seminar. You will need that money to cover your losses in gold!
Holy Grail of automatic trading
Is this a joke, or is this guy serious?
y'all are chicken littles
"oh my god....the sky is falling!!!"
Well that well-thought-out rational argument sure convinced me. I'm now a perma-bull, LOL.
" The stupidest things I've seen during the Housing Bubble Ponzi Scheme"
My vote is for the "my pecker is bigger than your pecker" argument between autofx is chickensh*t and autofx in phx.
i think autofx has a small pecker
Actually anon at 10:08, I think they both have small peckers - those are the only kinds of men I've ever known to brag about how much money they make.
Trust me on this one - Suzanne researched it.
Did you ever try to go into a McDonald's and order a number one: a big mac, frys, and a coke, and pay for the order with "net worth".
I think they still prefer cash.
Reminds me of those totally idiotic Carolton Sheets infomercials on late night tv.
Does he still run them !?!?!?
Keith - get out of Gold!!!
Keith - get into GM! Up 33% the past month....
GM, the motor co. has an awesome deal for you all. buy a hummer, or any other GM tank, and get a cap on your cost of gasoline. GM will issue you credit at end of each month for the cost of each gallon you drink above $1.99.
The dollar has strengthen this week. Gold has dived. Oil is falling. Mortgage rates have stabilized. And Toll Brothers is up.
Kieth should we be worried about you?
Don't worry......Keith can just read the Holy Grail Of Automatic trading located here:
to recover his losses.......
Oil hasn't fallen. Toll Brothers stock isn't up. Dollar also looks to about ready to start falling again as well.
The only thing you need to be worried about his your ignorence.
The FED has cut back liquity since Bernanke's come into power. In otherwords, he doesn't give a crap about the housing or the shortterm aspects of the economy. This current policy will drive out inflation, further plummet Real Estate,strengthen the dollar and of course, gold will fall. Durables and Purchases have fallen SIGNIFIGENTLY Q2. A huge signal. If Purchases drop below 360, that is a VERY BAD sign for the economy in the shortterm. Bernanke is not a inflation dove.
Bernanke and Bush are going to be at each others throats before long. Don't be surprised if the Neo-Con press doesn't start muttering the words "turncoat" before to long either about Mr.Bernanke. Interesting times for sure.
1982 to early 2006 was the greatest BULL market in US treasury bonds (and hence stocks, through the gyrations) ever.
Starting in 1982 we saw a real long term secular decline in oil prices until late 2005.
Both these huge, fundamental trends are going the other way. Bonds, perhaps for a generation. Oil, forever as we are just about at global peak conventional oil today.
I thought that GM gimmick was a joke from the Onion or something. Then I saw it in the newspaper.
Jezus, we're f@cked.
That's like introducing the "New Marlboro! Now, with Bonus Extra-addictive Nictotine flavor" cigarette.
Toyota gives us the 35 mpg Yaris and Honda the equivalent Fit (largest selling car in Japan) which are very good cars for not much money and they're great on efficiency.
GM? A temporary incentive to encourage more gas guzzling, which will put more useless huge SUV's and trucks on the road for 20 more years sucking down the petroleum and sending money to crazies who want to behead us.
Autofx in Phx: Thanks for the link. I have many questions that the FAQ does not contain. I am a software engineer myself, and I love automation. I've already written automation software for the security exchanges, but there are technical issues unresolved which forces the user to execute manual steps. Plus I like the idea of reactive scripts as opposed to trend analysis.
Anyway, I'll be contacting the founder. Thanks.
Chicken: Whatever makes you feel happy. No complaints; someone needs to own rentals. I use to have 100% of my money in RE too, but last year I felt that was no longer a good choice. I saw rental properties shaking my head: 4%-4.5% ROR on opportunity cost assuming 0% vacancy and no major repairs (in comparison to selling minus transaction and capital gains).
Dogcrap Green said...
The dollar has strengthen this week. Gold has dived. Oil is falling. Mortgage rates have stabilized. And Toll Brothers is up. Kieth should we be worried about you?
Keith says...
the dollar has lost 50% against the Euro, Gold is up over 200%, mortgage rates have soared, oil is at near record prices, and Toll Brothers has dropped 50% over the past 6 months
get a grip dogcrap. a two-day blip is a joke against a pretty obvious trend. you look like a total idiot
Speaking of the General (and why has that stock gone up lately???), GM has a promotion thru NASCAR to give away 29 Avalanches. Of all the vehicles, that pig.
Here is a great blog posting about H2s that got me into this whole scene. I wish there was an update!
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