Boy, I'd like to have some checks and balances again in government, and opposition to the current incompetent Republican administration, but does it have to be the Democrats? Good god what a disaster.
How as a country did we come up with such directionless, passionless and clueless leaders?
I just watched Pelosi on Meet the Press, and it was painful. I can find better leadership down at the local McDonald's.
Anyone want to start a new party?
May 08, 2006
The Democrats - what a disaster
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The US political situation makes one look with fondness on the Nixon years.The Repugs are a corrupt gang of religious fanatics and warmongers. The Dems a crowd of politically correct pantywaists that couldn't understand Economics 101.
May a thousand camels piss on both political parties.
How about starting the "moderate" party?
We could chuck the shrill idiots from the D & R parties to the sidelines where they belong, and have a really big group of co-operative Americans.
That's funny you bring that up. I was watching too , and kept asking myself "can this be for real"?
I have to agree, Pelosi just doesn't do it. Though my husband and I both agreed we wished Mathews had been that hard on the likes of Rice.
Dianne Feinstein better speaks for the Democratice party. She is smart, strong ith great poise and can debate the issues brilliantly. She knows her stuff and is capable of clearly express them.
Did anyone get a load of Tom Delay and John Dean? Tom Delay must have some form of brain disorder not to mention a total lack of shame. Dean did well in dismissing him as "an indicted" individual no longer in congress.
I saw the interview, the only thing we can count on from the Democrats is gay marriage, tax hikes, and impeachment hearings. No thanks.
no F-bombs on HP folks
housing topics anyone? anyone?
Anon, all we get from the Republicans is no personal freedom, tax breaks only for the wealthy and excuses for crooks in power. No thanks.
Anonymous said...
housing topics anyone? anyone?
if you don't like the content of the thread, go to the next one...
this blog discusses the housing bubble and the context. if you want 100% bubble, go to ben's blog
Democrats....Republicans......Who cares! Whats important is that we find Nancy Pelosi's plastic surgeon and slap him silly!
Can you say Botox procedure gone horribly wrong? She is scary looking, like Katherine "Cruella" Harris.
>> housing topics anyone? anyone?
You can find them in other blogs. Please go elsewhere and stop bothering us here - we're doing God's work, in case you haven't f'n noticed.
Does anyone know if Ms. Pelosi was hot looking in her younger years? Just wondering...
So the tit-for-tat Democrats want to impeach Bush. For what? Being stupid? If they haul out their 9/11 conspiracy theories, the whole world (excluding France) will finally discover that a fair percentage of them are demented, and that Republicans aren't the only ones placing fantasy above reason.
There are already a thousand small political parties in America, but most Americans don't want to join them. People seem to be hardwired into believing they have to be either left-wing or right-wing--each wing hating the other--but ignoring the cockpit and the rudder, which are responsible for steering.
As for a "moderate" party: Who defines "moderate?" I've noticed that when the Press and Democrats refer to "moderate Republicans," what they really mean are extreme left-wing pro-abortion Republicans, and when Republicans refer to "moderate Democrats," what they really mean are Democrats that support the NRA. Each side think that IT is moderate and everyone else is extreme.
Keither thinks he's moderate, but the Libertarian Party is loony, too, and a hotbed of pot dealers, and bunker-builders. If you watch their leaders on C-Span, you get the feeling of being transported to 1967, till you realize they actually date from that era. So do their hairdos, and, apparently, their last showers.
I think my platform is a winning one:
1) eliminate the IRS and a flat tax or value added tax replacing the current scheme
2) big-time pro-business
3) big-time anti-spending (10% cut across the board day 1)
4) government off of peoples backs and out of their bedrooms
5) complete separation of church and state
6) round up and deport illegal immigrants, big penalties for hiring one
7) pro-choice
8) buy baja
9) strong and smart foreign policy
10) fix social security and medicare/medicaid, whatever it takes
do I have your vote?
“1) eliminate the IRS and a flat tax or value added tax replacing the current scheme”
While I like the pay as you go idea, how about:
Taxes stay the same however, 50% of your taxes go to a government pot. The other halve, you decide where it goes, much like your retirement accounts. I.E. 30% goes to education, 5% Medicare, 15% to the military. That way, every April, it’s like getting another “vote”. In the end, the politicians have to divvy up the pot and spend it (hopefully) wisely. However, if say, Medicare tanks so what, the American people have “voted” and we did not want it funded.
dude, you are a tool...what is a "new" party? What is the "third" way to look at an issue. Here's the deal:
Dems are:
pro-gay marriage
pro-progressive taxation
use class warfare to scare people into voting for them.
pro-socialized medicine.
pro-entitlement spending
Repubs are the opposite. Where does this "third" party sit? Right in the middle of the fence. Grow up you pussies, and grow some balls. Either something is black or white. You know it too, but are too chicken sh&t to take a stand, and love to bash GW Bush who takes a stand and sticks to it.
THE REPUBLICANS: WHAT A MASSIVE TOXIC DISASTER FROM HELL. Compared to the Republicans, the Dems are a dream. We would only be so lucky.
Keith, look up the word "relative."
I know you yearn for the good old days when you were free to molest your female coworkers and call your minority coworkers by whatever name you chose, but I really can't understand the whole "I am being crushed by the pc liberal agenda" crying fits.
Lose the strawman arguments.
Being anti-political correctness has nothing to do with molesting women and using the N-bomb on black people. Being anti-PC is a way of saying that being a straight white man does not mean you're an evil oppressor and instead you should stand up for yourself like everybody else does.
Perhaps you'd be happier in Soviet Russia.
Now onto Keith's ideas:
1) eliminate the IRS and a flat tax or value added tax replacing the current scheme
Flat tax plus fixed deduction would be best. That would soften it for poorer people.
2) big-time pro-business
Pro-mom-&-pop-business, okay. Pro-BIG-business, not okay. Those scum are why we are in the mess we are now.
3) big-time anti-spending (10% cut across the board day 1)
4) government off of peoples backs and out of their bedrooms
Pretty much same deal... cutting govt spending by 90% would be a good start
5) complete separation of church and state
6) round up and deport illegal immigrants, big penalties for hiring one
The PC pantywaists and rich boneheads wouldn't like that one. But I would.
7) pro-choice
I'm pro-life myself, so we would have to disagree there. But I would support programs to combat teen pregnancy
8) buy baja
A little odd... I wouldn't recommend it. In fact, I'd give Hawaii and Puerto Rico their independence but keep any military bases. (Can anybody explain why we made Hawaii a state anywayz?)
9) strong and smart foreign policy
Anybody who says that he'd get out of Iraq and not look back would definitely get consideration from me
10) fix social security and medicare/medicaid, whatever it takes
This is a big problem and can't be fixed without getting half the people in the country royally ticked at you... good luck!
My fiancee has worked on several local campaigns for Democratic candidates and has attended a couple of the Democratic conventions. While I am moderate Republican, we both agree on one thing when it comes to politics: Nancy Pelosi is a waste for the Democratic Party and is an embarrassment for the state of California.
dougsbrain, you have my vote. I'll take multiparty please. But if that's not on the menu, then I still would rather have scary pelosi over the current crowd on the hill. Bush has shown that looking good on the outside does not mean an ability to govern.
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