I don't care if the ILLEGAL immigrant is a blue-eyed blonde Caucasian German.
I don't care if the ILLEGAL immigrant is a a brown-eyed olive-skin Israelite
I don't care if the ILLEGAL immigrant is a brown-skin black-hair Mexican
I don't care if the ILLEGAL immigrant is a paraplegic albino from Monrovia
I simply just care - about America, about Laws and about Fairness
April 11, 2006
The last word for folks who think anyone who takes on America's ILLEGAL immigration issue is racist
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We get your point. But it's a tad too late. You have lost some bloggers since your blog took a tone of bigotry. Why could'nt you just stick to the housing bubble?? I understand the frustration of the bubble but this is ridiculous. As another poster said...there are way too many blogs to waste time on this crap. Good bye.
the housing bubble CAUSED the illegal immigration the US has seen over the past five years
It's all connected.
Again, some get it. Others don't.
ok tkae care no bye bye...be sure and stop by to check the replies tho.
Worker mobility keeps an economy in equilibrium. This is ECON 101. We do not have the security measures in the U.S., such as a national id card, to prevent illegal immigration or "illegal worker mobility." When the jobs are gone, people will leave. Just like you, Keith? Oh...I'm sorry. You happened to get a work visa to be in the UK. Must be nice to be white and educated.
The American Revolution was illegal according to the laws of the land at the time. Does that make the founding fathers criminal? The reality is that there are millions of undocumented people here who aren't going home. America has two choices. Round them up like cattle and deport them, or make some reasonable attempt to absorb these people into the mainstream. No government in its right mind is going to round them up, so sooner or later you're going to have to make peace with the idea that they're sticking around.
I followed an outsourced IT career overseas and would encourage anyone to do likewise. WTO and other political debates are focused on steel and banana tariffs, while most countries get away with labor protectionism. Labor can never be as mobile as jobs (or bananas), but if we want an efficient global economy we have to get as close as possible to that ideal.
U.S. born workers can be just as efficient as our overseas counterparts but our government, infrastructure, and insane land prices make it impossible for U.S. workers to compete unless we have bidirectional mobility. Transplant a south asian computer programmer and transplant her to L.A. and you'll have to pay her $60,000 plus another 60,000 to pay taxes, prop up the Social Security ponzi scheme and pay for the enormous energy and resources required to live in the U.S.. Transplant an L.A. native to almost anywhere else in the world and he'll produce just as much for less.
Who loses in this scenario? Those who invest in property have an extra ball and chain which prevents them from moving. Govermnents lose when they see income tax, corporate tax, sales tax and property tax leave out the same exit. Retiring boomers who rely on children and grandshildren workers to pay for SS and medicare lose when the later discover that emigration is a way out of this ponzi scheme.
an_d - you and I are living Friedman's book
For the Americans still in America - either you'll have to move for your job, or your job will move without you
Welcome to the 2000's. It's a whole new game
Keith, it's definitely connected. I sold my house to a family that didn't speak English and I had neighbors who also didn't speak English. I even paid one owner to mow my lawn. They were jumping on the bandwagon.
Some lenders specialize in loaning money to people who don't have SSNs. There are also Realtors who specialize with non-English speakers. Both of these services were used when I sold.
Great post, Keith. I am not sure why people call it racist when this is a real big issue that needs to be resolved. No matter how many times we tell them the word "illegal" is not good, people just overlook this logical point.
I, for one, am an immigrant and have lived here since 1983. My wife's sister is still abroad since she was over the age of 18 or 21 at the time of application. It has been 10 years and she is still awaiting her approval to get into the country.
Why should a neighboring country get amnesty, while you have law-abiding citizens abroad from any nation that are in a purgatory waiting list.
I think someone's been watching Lou Dobbs a little too much. Mexican immigrants are only responding to market forces. A capitalist society demands efficiency, and if it was more efficient for an orange grower to hire American labor he would. But it's not. If it was more efficient for a roofer to hire an American crew, he would. Guess what,it's not and home buyers/owners want the best value.
If grocery prices doubled and chain restaurant meals cost $80 for a family instead of $40, we'd all welcome the Mexicans back with open arms.
Don't pretend to not be a racist because maybe there's an Irish bricklayer in Boston who let his paperwork who you would theoretically hate just as much as the Mexicans.
Adios amigo ... if I wanted to read crap I'll just check Lou Dobb's transcripts.
I agree - get rid of the rascist element regarding illegal immigration!!!!
Living in California for years, I tread carefully - I know who does all our farming: picks our fruits and vegetables and grapes (for vino)and does a lot of the work that Americans will not do.
Also, you really need to address who ultimately supports this: companies that are: trying to still compete by keeping overhead low or companies exploiting workers to the benefit of corporate coffers and stockholders.
Keith - just leave the topic alone, you are not adding any value, just exposing the underbelly of truly mean and evil thinking people.
Face it this topic is way out your league.
And there is NO way that all the illegals fueld this RE bubble in a truly significant way. No way Jose!
Hey Jiggles, how narcissistic to annouce your depature from a blog you merely read. You weren't noticed while you were here, you won't be missed.
If what you say is true, and you truely come from Michigan. You would be far more out raged by the slugs that cros our northern border than you would be by the work ehic that crosses our sourthern border.
The notion that a man that never burden our school system by attending it. Then works in our economy at full capacity. And knowing that ANYONE THAT WORKS AT FULL CAPACITY CREATES MORE JOBS THAN HE TAKES. (It is the Canadian that does the work of 1/4 of an American that destroyes more jobs than he steals.) After the Mexican is done putting in a days work that creates employment for Americans he then has enough money to buy a cheese burger. Some how you are convience or at least you try to convience the morons of the world that a man that taxe the world for one cheese burger is a burden on society where as the Canadian working a fraction at the out put of an American in exchange for $250 per day is an asset.
Stoop with the lies Kieth. Admit it to yourself. You are racist
Booming illegal immigration and bubble real estate are directly linked. The first feeds the latter.If you can't figure that out, you'll never get over the hump. Wise up if you want to play the game with a winning hand and stop slicing and dicing arcane housing stats which are meaningless to the average Joes like us. The trend is your friend.
Why don't you look up Jose Guiterrez, an illegal immigrant from Guatamala, for the sake of your soul? Here, I'll help you:
QUOTE jiggles"Don't pretend to not be a racist because maybe there's an Irish bricklayer in Boston who let his paperwork who you would theoretically hate just as much as the Mexicans."
I have far less sympathy for the "stealth" Irish bricklayer. Ireland now more prosperous than the land between NYC and L.A. U.S. born bricklayers should be moving to Ireland for a better life, but only if they're white. Ireland's immigration laws change with the mood of the immigration officer and the whim of the public. Ireland is at least 3 generations behind in racial equality. Ireland's rising crime, inflation, abysmal public transport and medical service problems are regularly blamed on newcomers. Does this sound familiar? Politicians will always use xenophobia to divert public attention from internal government failings. Because it always works.
" Ireland's rising crime, inflation, abysmal public transport and medical service problems are regularly blamed on newcomers. Does this sound familiar? Politicians will always use xenophobia to divert public attention from internal government failings. Because it always works."
They are never blamed on newcomers, by absolutely anybody in the media, in government, or in any status driven element of Irish society which would be cowed even into beginning to make a speech on immigration and it's actual effects on those issues - ( where the turth is, immigration has a disaterous effect: "abysmal public transport" is hardly going to get better with more people competing for it, now is it? Nor badly managed health services ).
And it is quite clear in Ireland that no Politician will raise his head to talk about it either: one poor ex-radical leftist got his head chopped off by the establishment when he even tried.
As for "racial equality" words fail me. If we are three generations behind the US we had better line up the lynchings, the segregation laws, which was three generations ago. Most of the migrants are Eastern European, and even there the "race relations" industry must is in full gear, arguing that democratic control of a nations borders is "racist".
To the related theme of this blog: immigration clearly pushes up the price of housing. It pushes down the price of labour. Unskilled migration adds nothing to productivity, and in fact may reduce it. Migration, therefore , is not in the interests of the working and middle classes already extant in a country - and the bottom 50% in America ( regardless of race) wants more control of the borders, the top 10% - predominatly white- is opposed to border control. The racist argument if a red herring for upper class ideological manipulation. I being to see some sense in Marxist bromides about "false consciousness"
And there are no Jobs Americans won't do. They are priced out in places of high immigration and do the jobs in places of low, or no, immigration. For the love of God, can we end that stupid ridiculous cant.
"If grocery prices doubled and chain restaurant meals cost $80 for a family instead of $40, we'd all welcome the Mexicans back with open arms." - No, we will just eat less and our insurance premiums will go down.
I am Norweigan. In 1978 my mother decided to go to the US embassy and Apply for the opportunity to come to the USA. She went to the embassy and put in the paperwork. 6 months later there was a reply. She needed a backgtound screening. Interpol and all that sh#$. She provided that. Then came the second reply. Please provide a bill of clean health. She provided that for us both. 18 months went by.Then a letter. What will be your port of entry?
I still remember her jumping up and down screaming and crying. "were going to America!!!! We arrived at JFK airport with just a few things.
We got in line and waited to get in legally. Everyone was taught young in school not to cut in line , right??
Well , maybe not everyone. But it pisses me the fuck off as someone who also watched a parent struggle , then rise to the occasion of having this wonderful opportunity to be here and do damn good here and make it , as millions pour in and cut in line. Then ,DEMAND to get the free ride they DONT deserve.
Now , AM I RACIST !!!!!!!???????
Ah yes. It's wrong for the market to determine where people should live and work. Government regulation is the answer!
Hypocrisy much?
Oh, but that's right -- there's something intrinsically different about people born in different places. The United States is not a country made up of people with lots of different backgrounds, languages, and religions but rather an ethnically distinct nation that must maintain its ethnic identity.
Hypocrisy and racist much?
To the Norweigan - thank you for posting your beautiful story. That is the way it is supposed to be - decide you want to move to America, do the hard work it takes to get here LEGALLY, then come on in.
Why you should have to do the hard work, wait so long and do it legitimately, while others CHEAT and just come on in, from your country or any other country, is just not fair.
Welcome to the US. Glad you're here.
Look at all the pathetic race pimps. They must have graduated from the Jesse Jackson school. The issue is illegal immigration, not race. The funny thing is that most of these race pimps wouldn't even drink from the same water fountain as a non-white, yet they pull out the race card on every issue.
Don't you love farce?
My fault I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want.
Sorry, my dear.
But where are the race pimps?
Quick, send in the race pimps.
Don't bother, they're here.
No human is illegal, but millions of them are illegal aliens.
It's time to get the planes, trains and buses ready for deporting them.
There's no excuse for cutting in front of people who are legally applying for green cards and visas.
QUOTE(anonymous)"They are never blamed on newcomers, by absolutely anybody in the media, in government,...
Words fail me!?! Immigrants were blamed for Ireland's maternity hospital crisis to the point that a national referrendum revoked the birthright of citizenship. This even though birthrates were higher before immigrants came and funding was much lower. Irish hospitals would be in even more disarray were it not for Asian, Pacific islander and Eastern European health workers.
Most recently, the Irish transportation minister blammed immigrants for high auto fatality rates but the fatality rate was even higher before the immigrants came!
As for "racial equality" words fail me. If we are three generations behind the US we had better line up the lynchings...
The lynchings are already in Ireland, but don't expect them to be reported as such. Do you ever wonder why such a high percentage of violent crime and muder victims are non-Irish even though newcomers represent no more than 10% of the populations? When a horribly dismembered non-national was found inside luggage in the river Liffey your government supported national news source reported that 'gardi suspect foul play.' Perhaps it was suicide? The xenophobic public will happily say that immigrants are victims of immigrant crime but how often do we verify this convenient assumption?
Back to the U.S. housing bubble and immigration, ideally we should only accept immigrants from and export labor to countries willing to take U.S. workers on the same terms. This would close the door to Irish Immigrants. They should not have an unnatural advantage just because their skin is white and because they have cousins who are congressional representatives in the Northeast.
I, as a legal immigrant, spent years waiting patiently in queue, paying all the fees, filled out all of the forms, took English classes, traveled 800 miles to get interviewed at the US Consulate before coming to the states.
These illegals just walk accross the border and want amnesty?
Giving amnesty these illegals is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant.
I want to see congress grant green cards to skilled foreign workers and scholars. We should be stapling green cards to diplomas of foreign students who graduated from our universities. We need a more skilled work force for our economy, not a bunch of Mexicans with an 8th grade education.
I see rallies across U.S. call for illegal immigrant rights. I am sure that there are rallies for burglar rights, tax evader rights, and drunk driver rights to follow...
Why are people whining because the conversations on this blog have shifted recently? The blog is going through an evolutionary process. It may have started out specifically about the real estate lunacy, however, as the housing market has cooled down, it is evolving into more of a blog about the general economy. Housing and immigration are a big part of that economy as are commodities, the federal reserve, politics, hurricanes, gas prices, big oil, outsourcing, etc.
All you damn race pimps who want to leave don't let the door hits ya where Allah splits ya. We won't miss your lies and distortion
"not a bunch of Mexicans with an 8th grade education."
Keith and you still refuse tha say racist comments are made on this blog? WTF?????
BTW...I just hired a group of ilegal CHINESE to move my furniture to my new house in the OC. And I hired an Indian guy to cut my lawn. I am an American of MEXICAN ancestry, college educated.
The biggest problem with you position is that it creates a permanent Slave class. Maybe no American wants to do those jobs now but that's because of the insultingly low wages. How about we make the owners of the office buildings pay what it's really worth to clean shitters? We're turning into a caste society b/c the rich are getting away with f-ing the poor thru economic leverage. I say make it a felony to HIRE an illegal and let the chips fall where they may. Then those jobs will pay (and products will cost) what they're truly worth. Oh, and build the wall. And deport all the illegal criminals after they're sentences are over. Change the baby-anchor laws. Everyone else can stay as visitors & start their applications for citizenship. Of course they'll have to renounce their former citizenship.
"BTW...I just hired a group of ilegal CHINESE to move my furniture to my new house in the OC. And I hired an Indian guy to cut my lawn. I am an American of MEXICAN ancestry, college educated. "
How did you know the CHINESE were illegal aliens? Did you ask for their greencard? Was the Indian guy also an illegal alien? I think you're a liar and a fraud
When I asked the leader of the Chinese movers if they had insirance, he said they were all Illegal and if I ha a prob with that. I never said the Indian guy was but what a shock to see him at my front door ready to mow. I was expecting the other brown person. Relax A-HOLE.
"When I asked the leader of the Chinese movers if they had insirance, he said they were all Illegal and if I ha a prob with that."
Is that the best your little brain cell could come up with? You expect us to believe that you are a college graduate? LOL
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