April 13, 2006

Enjoying those gas prices today?

Anyone enjoying driving 100 miles round trip to your new characterless Toll Brothers McMansion in the suburbs in your Surburban?

Go ConocoPhillips stock!

Thank you George Bush (1 & 2)! Thank you Bob Toll! Thank you GM for building gas guzzlers! Thank you Americans for wanting to live in soul-less far-flung surburbs! Thank you for denying global warming! Thank you for rejecting mass transit! Thank you Saddam, King Fahd & Idiot Ahmadinejad!


Anonymous said...

In San Diego, I saw the first (self) service station where ALL the prices were over $3.

Roccman said...

In the May issue of Harper's (pp. 39-46) there is
an analysis of the
real estate bubble and impending collapse by
economic historian
Michael Hudson. I reproduce just the

The New Road to Serfdom:
An illustrated guide to the coming real estate
by Michael Hudson
Information graphics by Nigel Holmes

Even men who were engaged in organizing debt-serf
cultivation and
debt-serf industrialism in the American cotton
districts, in the old
rubber plantations, and in the factories of
India, China and South
Italy, appeared as generous supporters of and
subscribers to the
sacred cause of individual liberty.
--- H.G.
Wells: The Shape of Things to Come

Never before have so many Americans gone so
deeply into debt so
willingly. Housing prices have swollen to the
point that we've taken
to calling a mortgage -- by far the largest debt
most of us will ever
incur -- an "investment." Sure, the thinking
goes, $100,000 borrowed
today will cost more than $200,000 to pay back
over the next thirty
years, but land, which they are not making any
more of, will
appreciate even faster. In the odd logic of the
real estate bubble,
debt has come to equal wealth.

And not only wealth, but *freedom* – an even
stranger paradox. After
all, debt throughout most of history has been
little more than a
slight variation on slavery. Debtors were
medieval peons, or Indians
bonded to Spanish plantations, or the
sharecropping children of slaves
in the postbellum South. Few Americans today
would volunteer for such
an arrangement, and therefore would-be lords and
barons have been
forced to develop more sophisticated enticements.

The solution they found is brilliant, and
although it is complex, it
can be reduced to a single word: *rent*. Not the
rent that apartment
dwellers pay the landlord, but economic rent,
which is the profit one
earns simply by owning something. Economic rent
can take the form of
licensing fees for the radio spectrum, interest
on a savings account,
dividends from a stock, or the capital gain from
selling a home or a
vacant lot. The distinguishing character of
economic rent is that
earning it requires no effort whatsoever. Indeed,
the regular rent
that tenants pay landlords becomes economic rent
only after
subtracting whatever amount the landlord actually
spent to keep the
place standing.

Most members of the rentier class are very rich.
One might like to
join that class. And so our paradox (seemingly)
is resolved. With the
real estate boom, the great mass of Americans can
take on colossal
debt today and realize colossal capital gains –
and the concomitant
rentier life of leisure – tomorrow. If you have
the wherewithal to
fill out a mortgage application, then you need
never work again. What
could be more inviting – or for that matter more

That's the pitch, anyway. The reality is that,
although home ownership
may be a wise choice for many people, this
particular real estate
bubble has been carefully engineered to lure home
buyers into
circumstances detrimental to their own best
interests. The bait is
easy money. The trap is a modern equivalent to
peonage, a lifetime
spent working to pay off debt on an asset of
rapidly dwindling value.

Most everyone involved in the real estate bubble
thus far has made at
least a few dollars. But that is about to change.
The bubble will
burst, and when it does, the people who thought
they would be living
the easy life of a landlord will soon find that
what they really
signed up for was the hard servitude of debt

Anonymous said...

I am glad I sold my mountain cabin. It would cost me $100.00 just to visit it now.

Joe said...

What til gas is $7/gallon. It brings me joy to know that all those Yukons and Hummers that I see everyday racing and tailgating everyone on the freeway will be paying a buck a mile.

Maybe by then everyone won't feel the need to buy a suburban assault vehicle.

Anonymous said...

azfamdeals1 said...

"Best bumper sticker:
'A Real Soldier died in his Humvee,
so you can play one in yours'"

My favorite:

"Isis! Isis! Ra! Ra! Ra!"

Anonymous said...

I like

"I was duped. I voted for Bush. "

"Blame me. I voted for Bush. "

"The World Trade Center was imploded"

"Who planned the World Trade Center

Anonymous said...

I love the increase in gas prices too. It pinches my pocket book just a little but to see the looks of disbelief on the faces of the stupid morons who feel that owning a Suburban is some kind of extension of the American dream is priceless.

You gotta pay to play.

Anonymous said...

Are the Bush's also responsible for $7/gal gas in The Netherlands and $6/gal gas in France?

Let's see:

Gas prices are high because Bush is a friend of the leader Saudi Arabia.

Gas prices are high because Bush is an enemy of the leader of Iran.

So if Bush was friends with the Iranian leader and enemies with the Saudi leaders, then gas prices will go down to $1/gal?

I'm no fan of either Bush as President, but let's stick to the facts.

Anonymous said...

"I love the increase in gas prices too. It pinches my pocket book just a little but to see the looks of disbelief on the faces of the stupid morons who feel that owning a Suburban is some kind of extension of the American dream is priceless."

I agree. I feel good when I see these people who waste gas on giant cars going nowhere. It hurts but it feels good to know all tose who bought these new gas guzzlers now have to think about what they did.

I don't feel sorry at all.



Anonymous said...

America needs to build more highway overpasses, NOT more highways. We've going to need somewhere to House all the Bankrupt Flippers Trolls in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone has any ideas for surveys, polls, etc. that would represent our middle /upper-middle class working (legal) Americans concerns? I have so many , I don't know where to start...housing, taxes, fuel.... This could be a great source of collective information from what appears to be intelligent, working -class Americans that visit this site. It would be a decent start to help our own causes.
I work, bring my kids to to school, sports, and have to make time to shop for a decent priced home in between.. I do not have the time to stand in the streets with a sign, chanting my needs, but I do have some opinions. I am sure we all share a lot of common needs and concerns. I can help spread the word, but I really can't take the day off to march around town like some lunatic to get the message out...but this blog can easily be sent to thousands of people in one click.

Anonymous said...

I dunno how younger drivers (16-22) can afford to drive a car these days. When I was a teenager in the 90s gas was around a dollar and I had a V8 sedan which was $16 to fill up and went about a week.

I was not allowed to work while in high school so just this $64 per month was a hassle for me. Now kids pay $64 per tank in their SUVs.

I have no sympathy for the stupid but I just wonder.

I look forward to going to my local Home Depot in the future (if they are still in business) and getting to park in a less full parking lot with fewer vans and trucks.

I drive a Mitsu 3000GT (about 26 mpg casue I drive like a grandpa shifting gears under 2200 rpm) and I hate parking next to assault vehicles cause you can't see shit when you need to back out of the parking space.

Even if you park wayyyyy at the end of the lot it seems as if someone will always park a huge POS next to you.

Anonymous said...

There has been a rash of SVU burnings in CA. Most are intentionally set by brainless SUV owners who can not think of a way to make it look like an accident.

Anonymous said...

"What til gas is $7/gallon. It brings me joy to know that all those Yukons and Hummers that I see everyday racing and tailgating everyone on the freeway will be paying a buck a mile"

Right on, joe logic.

Pretty much sums up my feelings. I gave up my car and ride my bike, btw, and save $1000 monthly for investment in precious metals.

The only thing that I hate about biking (and driving, come to think of it) is those SUV driving pricks on their cell phones who think they own the road just because they drive a big phallic grocery getter. Enjoy the a$$ raping at the gas station, a$$holes.

Anonymous said...

did anyone watch the newshour last night? they said something about every minute you drive your car you're adding one pound of CO2 into the atmosphere. i hope i heard this wrong! please correct me!

Anonymous said...

As I wrote earlier nothing makes me happier than seeing the distressed faces on some yuppie filling up a Navigator after going throught he drivethru at Starbucks. Said yuppie gladly pays $4 for 22 oz (approx $30 a GALLON) of a tall lattee that causes weight gain, caffiene headaches, and gas but bitches about paying $3 for a GALLON of gasoline that, in a fuel efficient vehicle, could likely get them 40 miles.

I come from a farming community and it's sad to see those people who need trucks for their farms and are already struggling to feed their families, save for the future, and PAY FOR THINGS IN CASH are being squeezed because some yuppie IDIOT feels the right to drive a Yukon to the mall so HE/SHE can satisfy their inferiority complex and show off to the neighbors.

Anonymous said...

9/11 was not staged or orchestrated by the government. It would require tens of thousands of conspirators, including everyone in the NSA and FAA, to pull something like that off, without a single informer in the bunch, and for what?

Conspiracy people need to come back to Earth. Do you actually think that none of the world's leading scientists and engineers have access to the Web sites you discover and take seriously?

"This information must remain classified due to the fact that should the general pubic [masses] become aware of this fact, the airlines may be put out of business. The public must continue to believe that the onboard captain remains in total control. This information is Classified and almost unknown outside of NSA and top levels of the FAA."

What rubbish. People have known about automatic piloting for decades; there's nothing classified here. The ROT story is just more fiction.

Muslims crashed the jets into the buildings. Period. The phone calls from passengers on the other flights were REAL, not staged. A jet DID HIT THE PENTAGON. Eyewitnesses watched it happen and videotaped it no less. The first building strike WAS TELEVISED LIVE on a morning show, so Bush could easily have already seen or heard about it when he was informed of the second strike.

The buildings in New York collapsed because they were hit by giant jets full of full at high speed, not because of planted explosives. Nearby buildings collapsed because of damage produced by the seismic jolts (equivalent to major earthquakes).

Thousands of scientists have examined the evidence, including all conspiracy "evidence," and concluded NO CONSPIRACY WAS INVOLVED. What we saw was real, not staged.

Our government does not destroy buildings to gain sympathy for Jews or engender hatred of Muslims. Fanatic Muslims do that quite well without help. Fanatic Muslims strap on bombs and blow themselves up in stores and restaurants, killing scores of innocents. Muslims danced in the streets on 9/11; we watched them on the evening news doing do. Were these CIA agents pretending to be Middle Eastern women, and dancing in the streets?

Get over it. The X-Files are make-believe. Hollywood conspiracy flicks are make-believe. Conspiracy thrillers are make-believe. And the heros who crashed their jet in a field to prevent an even worse disater were REAL.

Anonymous said...

If they ever DO put in override controls to fly planes from the ground, then the terrorists need only hijack the ground center, instead of the planes themselves!

Anonymous said...

Check out James Howard Kunstler's "No Problemo" if only for the graphic: "This ain't yo Daddy's War Wagon"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not to get off topic, but the thought of controlling planes from the ground is rubbish at this time. Look at all the older planes that do NOT employ fly-by-wire. I'm talking 330+ American Airlines MD-80s, all the DC-9s flown by Northwest, some older 737s, MD88s, and 757s on Delta.

AFAIK, the only jets using FBW are Airbus jets and Boeing 777. I left the 767 out of this discussion because I'm unsure but believe the older models are not fbw.

Anonymous said...

Moman, what is your answer to these conspiracy believers? It seems that no matter how much evidence is marshalled against them, they simply dismiss it as more government disinformation, and become even more adamant.

Whenever I challenge one of their claims, they call me a "black-op" or other government agent, and make cracks about how much money I must be getting paid to dispute them.


Anonymous said...

in response to the last anonymous: at one time i believed what you believe - i.e. about the 19 arabs (5 who are still alive) crashing planes travelling at great speed with great skill into buildings (even managing to hit the one part of the pentagon which was basically empty). but i cannot buy it anymore. call me stupid - i don't care -

so instead of being critical of us, why don't you join those of us who have lost all faith in the truthfulness of our government, in demanding a full NON political, investigation of all that happened on 911? the government hardly needs to pay anyone to get the masses to believe their lies - except to pay grandly a few talk show hosts. the rest of you go along for the ride and get patted on the back for being such a goody two shoe kid.

come on - be an adult - admit there are questions that need to be answered. if all you say is true, then let it be proven. surely you don't expect me to change my doubts simply on your assurances that the government told the truth. you are not being paid - but you are a dupe - a sad guy or gal. if what we think is true is proven to be true, i wonder how you will handle it - assuming you are for real - and that you are a decent human being.

Anonymous said...

I don't call you stupid, I call you manipulated. It is not possible to prove a negative (that there wasn't a conspiracy; that there is no god with a beard), but thousands of experts from many disciplines have gone over the 9/11 evidence with fine tooth combs and concluded that what appeared to have happened actually did happen.

How many billions of dollars and thousands of special effect experts, not to mention tens of thousands of traitors, would it have taken to fake the whole thing? Real life is not the movies, and special effects on a computer screen do not translate into special effects projected onto thin air. To concoct such a conspiracy and carry it off would have required a million times the energy and effort involved in hijacking and crashing jets. Was everyone working at the Pentagon in on the scam? Were the dead people and all of relatives in on it? Was the recording played at Zacarias Moussaoui's trial this week fake? (He and his attorneys didn't dispute it). Are all the tapes, video and audio, fake? Is everyone on Earth, except for a few thousand pot-smoking conspiracy buffs, in on it?

If you follow the trail of these conspiracy buffs, you discover something interesting: Many, many of the same people who claim 9/11 was staged also claim that the Holocaust never happened, that Jewish bankers rule the world, that the Illuminati and Masons are devil-worshipers, and that a malicious alien race of lizard beings is being protected by our government in northwest New Mexico. These are the same people who have produced alleged videos of George Bush engaged in satanic rituals and child sacrifices (actually the videos show nothing of the sort), and who claim on many Web sites that Dick Chaney is a Satanist who does NOT have sex with children because his genitals are too large.

Many are also the same people who in the 1980s claimed molested women suffered from Repressed Memory Syndrome. This led to witch hunts both here and in Britain (they're still going on there) based on the testimony of alleged "victims" claiming to remember "satanic ritual abuse" under hypnosis. Repressed Memory Syndrome turned out to be a hoax, but thousands of lives were destroyed by it, just as many lives are today being damaged by the 9/ll conspiracy advocates.

It is also significant that most of these conspiracy buffs are rabidly anti-Bush, anti-Republican, and anti-Military. When you refer to independent investigations, you need to consider the source of the allegations. These people have no concept of objectivity or impartiality, and will never be satisfied till some panel tells them exactly what they want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Best argument against the "Bush did it" conspiracy theories of 9/11:

If it had all been a neocon plot---on 9/11 we would have heard the WTC had been blown up (with explosives) by people who were supposedly from Saddam's secret service.

They wanted war with Iraq, not Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

That is a good argument. I also find it amazing that conspiracy buffs could blame something so complicated and convoluted on a man they claim in too dumb to know right from left and up from down.

Anonymous said...

I was going to post a comment about gas prices, but I see this post has already been threadjacked to 9/11 and Bush bashing already. Maybe later...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I couldn't care less if you have an investigation. Have a thousand. Drag them out for centuries.

Your doubting reference to the Holocaust gives the game away. To suggest for one second that it didn't happen means that you are not a rational or factually educated individual, but someone who has been programmed by others with political agendas. My LUTHERAN grandfather helped liberate one of the concentration camps. There are many films of the liberations, the starving survivors in the camps, and the millions of corpses. And there were no computer-generated special effects in 1945.

The old men arrested in Europe for denying the Holocaust are loons still in denial (after the liberation of the camps, most Germans claimed they were completely unaware, though the stench of rotting corpses carried for miles), Nazis, Muslim fanatics, and rabid anti-Semites. Some may belong to organizations you support; some may have actually STARTED the organizations you support, and that are behind the 9/11 conspiracy theories.

I "did not bother to respond to ONE single fact" that caused you "to begin to question the government line" because you never mentioned one single fact. The only thing presented as an alleged fact is supposed top-secret Remote Override Technology (ROT), and I and another reader DID address this FICTION.

You want to believe the worst about OUR government ("involved in an evil beyond comprehension"), but the best about NAZIS and MURDEROUS FUNDAMENTALIST MUSLIMS, so go for it. You have allied yourself with darkness, and you will never find your way out of your mental and spiritual prison till you change your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I have gas. Its because I am reduced to eating Bush baked beans.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links for our Holocaust Doubter-cum-9/11 Conspiracy Believer. All of them work, though some may look broken or incomplete (because of the way this blog formats). Just cut, paste, and go.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum:


Everything below can also be found at the above URL.

1. Buchenwald Concentration Camp. Clip from George Stevens' "The Nazi Concentration Camps." This German film footage was compiled as evidence and used by the prosecution. (NOTE AGAIN THAT THIS FOOTAGE WAS SHOT BY GERMANS WORKING IN THE CAMP.)


2.Nordhausen Concentration Camp.
Clip from George Stevens' "The Nazi Concentration Camps." This German film footage was compiled as evidence and used by the prosecution. . . .


3.U.S. soldiers care for Dachau survivors. . . .

4. Liberation of Buchenwald . The U.S. army filmed the weak and emaciated survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany to document Nazi crimes . . .


5. Liberation of Bergen-Belsen.
After British soldiers liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany, they forced the remaining SS guards to help bury . . .


6. Liberation of Ohrdruf. General Dwight D. Eisenhower and other American officers inspect conditions in the Ohrdruf concentration camp shortly after the liberation . . .


7. Liberation of Buchenwald. U.S. forces liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp on April 11, 1945. This footage records examples of Nazi atrocities . . .


8. Liberation of Buchenwald.


9. Liberation of Mauthausen. The Mauthausen concentration camp was established shortly after the German annexation of Austria (1938).


10. Liberation of Bergen-Belsen.
British troops liberated the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany in April 1945.


These short clips download very quickly.

Anonymous said...

With reference to your #4 claiming some of the hijackers are alive or claim to be alive:

"The authors explain in great detail the anatomy of one of the more popular internet memes associated with 9/11 -- that many of the hijackers are still alive:

"Take the BBC, for example, which did in fact report, on September 23, 2001, that some of the alleged terrorists were alive and healthy and had protested their being named as assassins.

"But there is one wrinkle. The BBC journalist responsible for the story only recalls this supposed sensation after having been told the date on which the story aired. 'No, we did not have any videotape or photographs of the individuals in question at that time,' he says, and tells us that the report was based on articles in Arab newspapers, such as the Arab News, an English-language Saudi newspaper.

"The operator at the call center has the number for the Arab News on speed dial. We make a call to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. A few seconds later, Managing Editor John Bradley is on the line. When we tell Bradley our story, he snorts and says: 'That's ridiculous! People here stopped talking about that a long time ago.'

"Bradley tells us that at the time his reporters did not speak directly with the so-called 'survivors,' but instead combined reports from other Arab papers. These reports, says Bradley, appeared at a time when the only public information about the attackers was a list of names that had been published by the FBI on September 14th. The FBI did not release photographs until four days after the cited reports, on September 27th.

"The photographs quickly resolved the nonsense about surviving terrorists. According to Bradley, 'all of this is attributable to the chaos that prevailed during the first few days following the attack. What we're dealing with are coincidentally identical names.' In Saudi Arabia, says Bradley, the names of two of the allegedly surviving attackers, Said al-Ghamdi and Walid al-Shari, are 'as common as John Smith in the United States or Great Britain.'

"The final explanation is provided by the newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, one of the sources of Arab News, which in turn serves as a source to the BBC. Mohammed Samman is the name of the reporter who interviewed a man named Said al-Ghamdi in Tunis, only to find that al-Ghamdi was quite horrified to discover his name on the FBI list of assassins.

Samman remembers his big story well. 'That was a wonderful story,' he says. And that's all it was. It had nothing to do with the version made up of Br?ckers' and Bülow's combined fantasies.

"'The problem,' says Samman, 'was that after the first FBI list had been published, CNN released a photo of the pilot Said al-Ghamdi that had been obtained from the files of those Saudi pilots who had at some point received official flight training in the United States.'

"After Samman's story was reported by the news agencies, he was contacted by CNN. 'I gave them Ghamdi's telephone number. The CNN people talked to the pilot and apologized profusely. The whole thing was quite obviously a mix-up. The Ghamdi family is one of the largest families in Saudi Arabia, and there are thousands of men named Said al-Ghamdi.'

"When we ask Samman to take another look at the FBI's list of photographs, he is more than happy to oblige, and tells us: 'The Ghamdi on the photo is not the pilot with whom I spoke.'

"The investigative journalists should have been able to figure out just how obvious the solution to this puzzle was. They all write that a man named Abd al-Asis al-Umari had been named as a perpetrator by the FBI, and that there are apparently many individuals with this name. Br?ckers and Hau? even noticed that the FBI had initially released an incorrect first name to the press. All of this certainly suggests that there was a mix-up, but it's also something that the conspiracy theorists apparently did not consider plausible.

"In the case of the supposedly surviving terrorist Walid al-Shari, the truth is even more obvious. At least Bülow had the opportunity to avoid making this mistake. In his book, he writes that the alleged assassin Shari 'lives in Casablanca and works as a pilot, according to information provided by the airline Royal Air Maroc.'

"If Bülow had inquired with the airline, he would have discovered that the name of the pilot who lives in Casablanca is Walid al-Shri and not, like that of the assassin, Walid al-Shari. This minor detail makes a big difference, namely the difference between a dead terrorist and a living innocent man. But to conspiracy theorists, discovering the truth is like solving a crossword puzzle for children: What's a four-letter word for a domesticated animal? Hrse."

Anonymous said...

Zinger said . . .

"Furthermore, if you remember that after 911; all flights were grounds for a few days by the FAA.

"This fact alone would suggest that the US GOVT did not commit 911; but top levels of GOVT realized that someone had cracked thier ROT system... therefore the US GOVT had to ground all planes; until all of the ROT command codes could be changed."

All it suggests to me is that the government didn't want any more hijackers flying into buildings. I see no reason to believe in ROT systems or that anybody cracked any code.

Muslims have been hijacking planes for decades (it's the reason airports first installed metal detectors). On 9/11 they hijacked four. The government had no way of knowing if there were more hijackers in the wings (no pun intended), so it shut down all flights.

Metal detectors were annoying enough. Now we have to jump through hoops to get onto airliners, and spend endless hours at airports, and the people to thank for this are Muslim fanatics, as usual. I wonder if these people have any concept of the damage they do, or its accumulative effects, not to mention the possible Karmic rebound. I feel sorry for them because they are so hateful and delusional, but they are the guilty ones, not we.

Anonymous said...


Bad gut feeling that were going to have another bad hurricane season in the gulf of mexico this year---

look for more shut-ins and a supply crunch.

An oil trader 'bar buddy' of mine told me he expects gas to be in the $3.25 to $3.50 range for most of the summer; but he said that there is no extra supplies, and the national reserves are not at 100%; so even a small cut in the supply chain could send gas to never before seen levels of $4 to $5 and stay there for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

Given their past performance, don't you think the oil companies are likely to raise prices with or without hurricanes? After all, they used this excuse last year, and still made far bigger profits than ever in history.

I don't expect anywhere near the hurricanes of the past two years, and I live on the Gulf (weather forecasters are always wrong). What is amazing to me is that people are still moving here in record numbers.

Anonymous said...


You obviously didn't go to the site and click on all the links and read all the information.

1. Concerning Condaleezsa Rice:

"And, should you have any remaining doubts that Cabal's piece is nothing more than a rehash of stale crap he read on the internet, he repeats yet another ridiculous claim:

"'Condoleezza Rice’s preposterous May 16, 2002, statement that no one could have foreseen this scenario was particularly ironic given that Pacifica Radio identified her that day as the source of San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s "airport security" call warning him not to fly on Black Tuesday.'

"This one has also been around a while, and has appeared on dozens of Web sites -- but none of them credible news sources. I'm not sure if it's even true that Pacifica Radio ever made such an allegation, as none of the Web sites that make the claim actually cite Pacifica directly -- they all lead eventually to a sidebar on this piece by notorious anti-Semite and holocaust denier David Irving.

"Not that it matters too much whether Pacifica ever did "report" such a thing. It frankly doesn't even pass the smell test (none of the hijacked planes flew out of San Francisco, and, as Zach Cohen once asked, why would Rice give such a warning to Willie Brown, who wasn't in any danger, but not to administration official Ted Olson, whose wife died on Flight 77?

"Nonetheless, it would be interesting to learn whether Cabal ever bothered to check the claim with Pacifica, or if he simply ran with what he read on Indymedia, Rense.com, or wherever he read it. I'm willing to bet on the latter.

"Like any good conspiracy monger, Cabal tries to cloak his ridiculous claims by coyly claiming he's just asking questions, and searching for the truth. But whether his essay is an exercise in willful deception, or just plain sloppy reporting (I'm trying not to assume malice where there is room for ignorance, but he's not leaving me much room), it is clear that the truth is the last thing Cabal is seeking."

2. Concerning the removal of debris:

The FAA ALWAYS removes all debris from plane crashes as quickly as possible, and places it in storage for investigation. The debris in New York took MONTHS to clear up. The public is NEVER allowed to handle or inspect or play with debris from plane crashes.

3. Concerning survivor payoffs:

They are voluntary. Family members of persons killed on 9/11 do not have to take the up-front payments, but are free to file their own lawsuits. I worked for a law firm, and we did not run to the Press with every lawsuit we filed. Why would any lawyer? The Press reports what it wants. If it didn't carry the story, so what? It's old news. If the woman thinks she's going to prove a government conspiracy, she's sadly mistaken, her lawyer is a shyster, and they're going to lose BIG TIME.

4. Concerning black boxes:

I don't know how many were recovered; all but one of the planes was vaporized. Wasn't it a black box recording from the field crash played in Zacarias Moussaoui's court hearings last week? I'm going to bother researching this one, because you're scaping the bottom of the barrel.

5. Concerning short-selling on the stock market:

"9/11 Stock Options Update
The FBI has closed its investigation into the 'put' options that sold UAL and AMR short just before the attacks, saying there is no evidence of foreknowledge in the trading:

"On Sept. 10, 2001, put options on AMR were 17 times their average volume of 269 contracts. On Sept. 6, 2001, UAL put options were traded at more than four times their average volume of 711 contracts.

"At the same time, some experts cautioned that because of the light volume in most option contracts, an increase can seem eye-popping.

"London regulators thought they had something in the short-selling of big airline stocks before Sept. 11, but traced the activity to one of their small competitors." -- Chicago Sun Times, September 22, 2003

6. Concerning phone calls from airplanes:

Of course, calls can be made from airplanes at great heights; the technology uses satellite transmission. This has been going on for years. The idiot who claimed phone calls couldn't be made from X-height clearly has never been on a plane. How do you think pilots radio back and forth if height has anything to do with anything? The plane wasn't in outer space. 2001 was only four years ago. I'm actually laughing, this is so funny.

7. "oh - how truly the masses were described with the word "goyim" - do you know what that stands for?"

What a catty thing to say. So YOU know more than the MASSES? Excuse me? You, who fall for every conspiracy con artist with a Web site or a self-published "book?" If you're trying to make Jews look bad, don't bother. Your Holocaust comments told me all I wanted to know. No systematic killing? What do you call gas chambers? "Random appliances?"

From the Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus, American Edition,1996: SYSTEMATIC . . . adj. 1 methodical; done or conceived according to a plan or system. 2 regular; deliberate . . ." Synonyms: 1 organized, systematized, planned, methodical, businesslike, orderly, well-organized, well-ordered, regular, routine, standardized, standard. 2 deliberate; regular, habitual, inveterate, persistent. . ."

You obviously know nothing about Hitler or his beliefs and programs. Yes, many besides Jews were tortured and killed, but Jews were specifically targeted, as were Gypsies and homosexuals. Your cruelty and indifference to those hunted down and murdered is astounding. How would you have felt as a Jewish mother or father to see your children dragged away, experimented on, or butchered? Or as an expectant mother, to have had a saline abortion (a Nazi invention) forced on you in your ninth month of pregnancy? How would have have liked to watch your parents starve to death in a "work camp?" You actually think the U.S. government, which liberated France, and Italy and most the concentration camps, would contrive an impossibly elaborate plot to crash jets on 9/11 so the manufactures of amunition and weapons could make more money? Are you insane?

I've tried to be nice, because you come across as (1) someone who doesn't speak English as your native language, and (2) as someone who is young and very gullible. But, conspiracy people are not known for their logic, and your blind acceptance of their rants is becoming tiresome.

The "masses" are not as stupid as you think. And the "select" are not as smart; sometimes they're just crackpots and don't know it.

Anonymous said...

"but i wish you luck and i truly wish you had been able to alleviate me of my doubts - which if true - even one such as yourself would have to admit are truly HORRIFIC."

Not horrific, idiotic. You want to believe horror stories because they're exciting, and you want to hate Jews because it makes you feel superior. You have no interest in truth or reality, only in wallowing in delusion. I never wrote a word about being in or out. I've never been a conformist, but that doesn't mean I have to embrace lunacy. You don't have to, either, but you choose to.

Anonymous said...

Antonio, your comments about the Holocaust are the reason I say you hate Jews. You, who say there was no "systematic killing of the Jews."

Here's another gem: "if you are a white, then you are one of those who will grieve for ever about a minority being inconvenienced or hurt by a white - but will turn a blind eye to a white (e.g.the whites in zimbague - being tortured to death by minorities)"

You said that. I didn't. Grieving forever for a "minority being inconvenienced or hurt by a white?" Where did this come from? I feel sorry for ANYBODY mistreated by someone else. Jews WERE systematically murdered by the Nazis. Muslims DID fly jets into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. THEY ADMIT THEY DID IT. Why are YOU denying it?

Who cares about Charlie Sheen? He's another nut case, not an authority on anything. And yes, people do criticize what he says based on the facts. He and his father are notorious for saying stupid things, and believing even dumber ones. They're left-wing fanatics. And I think Charlie Sheen's drinking and or/drugging, and sexual misconduct are HIGHLY RELEVANT. I would not trust him with anybody I cared about; why should I listen to his opinion on ANYTHING?

I'm not going any farther with this. You like your spook stories, and there plenty of crazy people to keep inventing new ones, so you'll never be bored.

Here's a conspiracy site for you:


At least the people who run this one are educated and polite.

Anonymous said...

Antonio says . . .

"well in that case (you don't trust charlie sheen) you don't trust george bush either - a known and admitted drug addict and sexual deviant - look at the male whore/newspaper reporter who was a good buddy of bush's. no i will not take the truth of my info based on the sexual or drug/drinking habits of the people talking - otherwise how could you believe anything that clinton said."

I can't stand George Bush, and I never trusted ANYTHING Bill Clinton said. He was, and still is, a pathological liar and sleezeball. (Note however, that both he AND Hillary said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and needed to be forcibly removed from power; their expedient change of heart is extremely revealing, don't you think?)

"do you know there is a difference between being a jew and being a zionist - and that the two may be mutually exclusive of each other? "

Yes, I do know what a Zionist is, and I don't support the Zionist cause because I don't believe in the bible or that God gave any land to any specific group, or has any favorite people. This includes Muslims. However, humans gave the Jews a dead pile of sand and rock after WWII, and the Jews transformed it within a few decades into a beautiful, fertile country. The "Palestinians" never did. They lived in huts, hovels, and tents, most with no running water or electricity. How come? And how come they had no homeland BEFORE Israel was re-established? And how come no Arab country offered to take them in or do ANYTHING for them? And all the Arab rulers now blame Israel for the misery of the Palestinians? How amazing. Do you think they might be trying to put the blame on the wrong people to save their own sorry asses? Do you think all those idiot Muslim clerics and all those billionaire Arabian princes and sheikhs living in tawdry palaces and funding terrorists might be trying to keep the oppressed masses from rising up against THEM? Who do you think owns all the Middle Eastern newspapers and television stations responsible for concocting the 9/11 conspiracy stories you believe and all the other crap spewed daily to the Muslim world?

So again, I say, CONSIDER THE SOURCE. These horrible, bigoted, self-indulgent, tasteless, dirty, show-off Muslim leaders who oppress their own people and who have NO CONCEPT OF HUMAN RIGHTS are unworthy of anyone's trust. They are the dregs of the Earth. So if they say the U.S. and Jews planned 9/11, it's a pretty sure bet the U.S. and Jews had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Again, fanatic Muslims are 100% responsible.

And, again, let's drop this subject. It's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...



Don't talk about 911 Realities or ROT tech or you will be drowed out by a sea of racist posts to draw attention away from the scary truths.

Notice to the thread misdirectors:

We have your number, we know the truth... your attempts to control the world are falling apart at the seems. You have no idea what is comming down the pike; but let me tell you that your glory days of controlling public opinion via big media is quickly comming to an end.

The gullible T.V. generation is getting older and being replaced by an internet savvy thinking generation.

We are onto your tricks and won't belive your B.S. Our parents generation was unaware of your power over thier opionions via media, they were a simple minded people who did not grow up with computers or the internet. We are different, our minds operate much faster than our parents. Your time tested and proven means of manipulation won't work on us in mass. You should be ashamed, for you have no honner and you who were our parents masters deserve to become our slaves. Your social and banking policies which steal our wealth and redistribute it to your cronies should be flushed down the toilet of history. We know that you manipulate the elections, we know that you are corrupt beyond repair. We intend to rid ourselves of your power over society and return our nation to its former glory before you invaded us in 1913. Our knowledge of your existance and ways is growing, we are becoming stonger as our numbers swell. It would be wise for you to back off before you push us past a tipping point.

When the housing bubble that your policies created wipe out many in our generation... our power will grow radically as we will point the blame finger squarly at you for the misery endured by the masses. The masses will follow our lead and a new order will arise. We will follow the priciples of "The rule of Law" and take back our great country from your evil control. Go back to the sewers from wence you came. Go back, and never return to this land of the free and the brave.

America is slowly awaking from its sleep. You think that you have won. You think that we will lay down and become your debt-slaves trapped under your bubble created monster debt machine; unable to escape because of the new BK laws enacted by your appointed (via your rigged election results) lawmakers.

You are wrong, we will not go down without a fight. We will organize into blocks so large that the earth itself may wobble from our anger at your corruption.

You think we are sheep, you are wrong we apear as sheep when fat & happy; but when faced with real hardship brought about by your policies to strip us of our wealth and turn us into your pet slaves... you will find out too late that we are tigers.

We need not your fiat currency, we need not your junk housing, we need not your petro or SUVs, we need not your rich and famous lifestyles... we need only to rid ourselves of your fiat currency, banking cartels, and corrupt government to get back to what our founding fathers gave us with our DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said . . .


"Don't talk about 911 Realities or ROT tech or you will be drowed out by a sea of racist posts to draw attention away from the scary truths. . . ."

Another fool pretending to be an irate (and insane) outsider. Better hide before the bogeyman finds you. I hear THEY (you know, THEY) can use ROT to make you wank in public and jump off bridges, so by all means wear an aluminum pyramid on your head. But, why don't you pretend to be a Republican if you really want to piss people off?

Are you the same troll who posted this pyramid scheme crap?

"Anonymous said...

"Very nice! I found a place where you can make some nice extra cash secret shopping. Just go to the site below I made over $900 last month having fun! make extra money"

Doesn't Keith check these threads to make sure the fakers and scammers don't misuse them?

Anonymous said...

If he did you would be banned from this site. LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"If he did you would be banned from this site. LOL"

Is that you, Mr. Pyramid Scheme-cum-fake Mexican-cum-conspiracy theorist?

Don't you EVER go outside?

Welfare check arrive okay?

Anonymous said...

Please! All conspiracy nuts, pro and con, please proceed directly to a 911 conspiracy blog and never return. This is the HOUSING PANIC blog, not the Paranoid Panic Blog.

Anonymous said...

GETTING BACK TO GAS PRICES: In a few years you will look back fondly at $4 a gallon gas as the "good old days".

Anonymous said...

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