Oh, man, it's on. He couldn't have telegraphed it more than he did today. He knows he's going in, and he knows he wants to avoid gas lines, although $5 gas is a certainty at this point. He knows we need as much liquid gold in the system as soon as we can get it there. Because world supply is gonna get tight, real tight, in a matter of days or weeks.
Good luck all. Get ready for Even days and Odd days.
"We'll leave a little more oil on the market'' by halting deliveries to the reserves, Bush said. "Every little bit helps.''
April 25, 2006
Bush, gearing up for war with Iran in days or weeks, suspends deposits to Strategic Oil Reserve
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My only question is; what the f_ck is Bush supposed to do with this crazy son of bitch in Iran. I’m tired of hearing the cynical BS for the political animals.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know America can not allow that crazy f_ck to have a nuke!
Oh and by the way; you think oil is expensive now, watch what happens to the price if a nuke goes off in the USA.
uh, bomb him back into the stone ages I'd say.
We have to. And he wants it. So let's give it to him.
Then the next country that thinks about it, will have to think about it a bit harder.
And it's only a matter of time until a nuke, dirty bomb or chemical weapon goes off in the usa. only a matter of time.
He's asking for it:
To bad Bush insisted in the useless invasion of Iraq. Iran seems like such a more legitimate target.
Anonymous said...
"My only question is; what the f_ck is Bush supposed to do with this crazy son of bitch in Iran. I’m tired of hearing the cynical BS for the political animals.
"I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know America can not allow that crazy f_ck to have a nuke!
"Oh and by the way; you think oil is expensive now, watch what happens to the price if a nuke goes off in the USA."
I agree. The president of Iran is now offering to provide nuke technology to other insane Muslim countries. Are we supposed to do nothing? Is Michael Moore going to blame Bush if Islamic terrorists unlease nukes in America? Are liberals going to say we deserved it, and tell us we must show even more compassion toward Muslims?
I'm hoping Israel obliterates Iran's uranium processing facilities and puts a stop to all of this lunacy. Just be grateful we dont have Al Gore at the helm, because we'd all be vaporized.
This blog has become ridiculous. Keith, instead of blasting her, you need to read Ann Coulter's brilliant and hilarious "Slander" to see how you are falling exactly into a pattern she meticulously describes. You are in danger of becoming a Streisandesque loon, though I suspect much of what you write is intended to keep reading coming back, much in the manner of a circus sideshow.
Are liberals going to say we deserved it, and tell us we must show even more compassion toward Muslims?
Will the Busheviki continue to post stupid straw men arguments?
Sorry, but anyone who thinks that Ann Coulter is "brilliant" has nothing to say that any thinking person needs to listen to.
The strategery may be: Don't play crazy with me, I'm better at it than you are. My guess - Ahmadenijad (sp?), or whoever the PTB are over there, think they can take the hit after which the dynamic, powered by the court of public (Islamic) opinion, turns in their favor. But who knows - maybe I'm crazy too.
Did G-Dub get permission from China?
If everyone would be patient and realize Iran has a pitbull for a neighbor, this will eventually come to a head.
After having SCUDS fall in Tel Aviv, I doubt Israel would have a problem dealing with this nut ball if he really does anything.
Why the f_ck does the US have to be the cop on everyone's beat?
This macho cowboy crap really gets old.
Keith, Dont erase bo chen's comment's again! It's very interesting to read and if you erase it again I'll know your keeping this blog one sided.
"Israel has nukes [..] why not Iran?"
Sure man, why not give the big red button to every five year old? Are you really THAT stupid? Has 25 years of constant pot smoking erased every shred of logic from your shriveled brain?
I fear for our future more from people like you than the crazies over in the Middle East! Jesus K God -- get a clue!
"And for those of you not in the know, there is ample irresputable evident that on 9/11 World Trade Center Building 7 was bombed by your own US Government."- And for those of you not in the know, there is ample irresputable evident that Bo Chen is a complete idiot. Said the New Yorker.
Anonymous said...
"Will the Busheviki continue to post stupid straw men arguments?
"Sorry, but anyone who thinks that Ann Coulter is 'brilliant' has nothing to say that any thinking person needs to listen to."
Obviously you've never read any of her books, or you wouldn't make such an ass of yourself confirming her observations. Here's a quote from "Slander" that anticipates your response:
"It is important for liberals to demean the people they oppose to reinforce their sense of class superiority. Anyone can associate himself with the elite by adopting the left's snooty superiority and laughing at Republicans for being dumb hicks. Adopting the prejudices of the powerful interests is a way of saying you are with the 'in' crowd. You are with the cool Hollywood types who hang out with Gwyneth Paltrow, Sean Penn, and David Geffen--not the working class hillbillies who go to NASCAR races."
Keith notes that the bigger the bubble the bigger the pop. How about, the bigger the ego, the bigger the fall? Your assumption that YOU speak for ALL thinking people is so revealing, if you never uttered or wrote another word, we would still know everything about you.
Let's not forget that if it hadn't been for the Americans in WWI & WWII, Great Britain would have became a German colony.
I don't like preemptive war either but let's get the facts straight. We saved your asses not ONCE, but TWICE and all you can do is bitch about the U.S.?
Hey bxc2739
Excellent post Bo-Chen,
Your post is long, but rational. It makes sense of what is presently happening and what is about to happen. Everyone here on this board is concerned about the Iran nuclear threat. What about the nut case in North Korea? I guess we all forgot about him. Oh that's right, his country is not about to open an oil bourse that will only accept Euros, which will undermine our dollar. I guess he is no longer a threat, his nukes are useless if he can't undermine our dollar. The Iran Nuke scare is another crok of shit from the bush administration. The American Sheeple are naive enough to believe anything he spouts. But then again, I don't think that there has ever been a war in modern history that the leader actually told the people the truth as to the reason for going to war. It's always the bullshit of defending freedom/liberty or we've got to get them because they're planning on getting us. The truth is, war has always been about economics/money or stealing the resources of another nation.
I don't get the argument that the Iranians are anywhere close to having a working A-bomb. Even if they did get one, do you think they would immediately launch it toward NYC? And what would we do with our 10,000 nukes after having NYC nuked?
The case against Iran is a ridiculous fraud that is rooted in crackpot Christian armageddon fantasies. It appears that Mr. Bush truly believes that nuking Iran is a necessary step to prepare the world for the return of Jesus-boy.
What happens when W hears the trumpet call and floats naked up toward Jesus? We won't have a war president anymore. Oh boo hoo.
Actually, the fundies think that the J-man will return to rule the earth for a millenium and that they will be given positions of authority so they can torture and control everyone who is not their brand of Christian. Oh, wait, they are doing that already.
Excellent post Chen! The way I see it all truth will be known in time. We know the Spanish-American war was staged to happen, so was the Korean War, the Vietnam war, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Bosnia and of course the Iraq adventure. The Hearst family started the Spanish war, generals started the Korean/Vietnam war, Grenada/Bosnia/Panama was a PR ploy, Somalia was for Chevorn and Exxon and as for Iraq they lied to you all face to face. The WH thought it would be easy, fast and cheap, if you disagreed you were a terrorist lover or just fired. We know this through government papers, quotes and insiders coming out of the WH. Now he wants another war to fuck us all over, so many bush reporters lets hope they line up to attack a country were the average Iranian person loves America. Yea that will go as planned since they plan everything so well. I feel sad for my countrymen that are so easily manipulated to do the wrong thing. God bless the troops and America, may he hold real justice for bush/cheney/rice/rummy/wolfie/rove etc in hell.
had to delete bo chen - please repost as a link. no bible-long posts please
on the oil and spr - folks, he's saying get oil into the SYSTEM which is then put through the PROCESS to get us lazy americans something called GASOLINE - and do it now cause that takes time
we have a big ol SOP to draw down on when we need to (after the war starts). Right now he wants black gold into the system.
get it now?
-former conocophillips
"Hey Keith, you're always dumping on faux news, are they really any worse than the NY Slimes, WA Post, cBS, ABC, NBC, pMSNBC, HGTV, or the whores at CNBC? "
No response Keith. Face it, you are left, just admit that this is a left wing, liberal blog.
All of which brings us to the letters concerning Ann Coulter's book "Slander." Boy, did she nail it directly on the head. The entire "Democratic" position is based on slander and libel, and insufferable arrogance, but not remotely on demonstrable fact.
Coulter is an insult to a free society. She is a hate-filled witch.
The christian fundies are a threat to a free society. Read Kevin Phillips new book "American Theocracy".
Oh, I am a registered Republican voter for the last 20 years. And I am angry over the corruption and level of religious fanatacism in my party. Washington and Jefferson would be deeply upset by present GOP rule.
People who think that the non-religious are all liberal democrats better think again.
And he's starting to delete comments regularly to keep his blog one sided!
What does this have to do with the subject of this blog. This blog is starting to become a politcal rant site of which there are already 1 billion.
What most people don't want to consider even though it's right in front of their face, is that Iran's motives are not politically motivated but religiously motivated, and as Islamic religious extremists who would like nothing more than to see Islam dominate the world, they would have no qualms setting a nuke off in the name of Allah. The US has to stop seeking political diplomacy with Islamic States. Want an eye opener on how Muslims feel about the non-Muslims? Pick up a copy of the Koran. There is only one way to deal with this mentality and that is a self-preservation "Strike First" course of action, anything less is delaying the inevitable. What is the inevitable? Look at the Koran.
If we are going to attack, we would keep filling it till the last momemen. When the strategic reserve was created, it was a reserve in case of *military* action in the middle east, not as a market smoothing mechanism.
re: Ann Coulter vs. Al Franken. Of course Al will fight dirty, even against a woman. That's just they way he is. Just remember, a Ruger is a girls best friend ;-)
How can you make the connection between Bush suspending oil deposits to the strategic oil reserve and gearing up to bomb Iran?? You are either a complete dumb fu%k or else you are just showing off your total ignorance about world events.
hahah one has to laugh at you right wing god worshiping necon ball suckers, to come to this site and preach party lines it pathetic, your man is going down and it is such sport to see it happen on a daily basis.
Go to reuters or fox and cook some more numbers on the economy.
Dont make no difference tho america is waking up to your ponsi tactics, AND BUSH WILL BE IMPEACHED IN 07.
"uh, bomb him back into the stone ages I'd say. "
Keith, I don't get your logic...are you saying kill all people in Iran because of some doubt they might have nukes and they might use it against US!!. Try that for N.Korea, and see what you get..why the European do not see it as an immediate threat?, same for many other coutries around them. I agree he's a nut case, however, we've another one in the white house...no difference. just give up that new world order crap, and american domination in the new century...it's not going to happen. name one empire that survived the test of time, and the test of moral values???
Hope that Iran gets the bomb ASAP...then real estate prices will really crater (pun intended).
The US bombs Iran then the IAEA goes in and verifies that Iran was nowhere near having a nuclear weapon and that Iran's claims of enrichment were a farse. Now the US looks like a monster to its people (if it doesn't already) and the peolpe call for the removal of troops from the mideast. Then Iran walks across the Iraq border and says "Hello failed state of Iraq" we are running the show now.
Iran spent 400,000 of its citizen's lives in the 80's fighting Iraq (which lost about 400,000 as well). If we bomb Iran we give them complete access to Iraq at almost no cost.
" said...
Iran is not a threat, let them have it.
They will not use it,"
So panicearly, you've got some guarantee that Iran will not use it nor give it to any other terrorist nation? Sure, lets send them a fruit basket and make things all better.
Yea, and I bet you never heard of Osama before 9/11.
“Keith said...
had to delete bo chen - please repost as a link. no bible-long posts please”
Please Keith, just say “it’s my blog and I’ll delete what I want”. Don’t hide behind the Bible.
I just read a very good article over at financialsense and when put into the proper perspective, the whole idea with the bush administraion is, is to crash the money system as we know it.
Think about it they figure if and only if there is peakoil in the system, which at some point we will suffer, so the whole system is based around the us dollar, so in a sence, crash the hole system and the world will suffer with us correct..what do you think?
Change this to:
When's the last time housing has been discussed on this website?
Hit the back button and all your problems will go away.
Oh and by the way; you think oil is expensive now, watch what happens to the price if a nuke goes off in the USA.
Never mind oil I will not have time to worry about that, Ill be to busy looting my local bank branch, while you morons wait in line for gas.
Why not let 'em get their nuke. Let them "wipe away Isreal with one storm", which also kills ALL the Palestinians I might add. Then we nuke them out of existence ... and everyone's happy!!
P.S. Their oil fields are now up for grabs.
It's perfect. Libs get what they want - no action by us (At least initially. They'll be upset later though) and Israel is destroyed. And Conservatives get to say "I told you so" and nuke the Mohammed Death Cult.
let's see:
1) fox news is as biased on the right as new york times is on the left.
2) I deleted bo chen's post of about 5000 words because it needs to be reposted as a link, not as an entire book. I doubt anyone wants war and peace posted to a thread - takes 5 minutes to scroll down. Bo chen is welcome and encouraged to repost the article as a link
3) for those that don't understand the oil business, how oil prices are set, world geopolitical events' effects on the oil supply chain, oil's influence in politics or bush and cheney's oil backgrounds, I'd encourage you to use that ol' google thing to get caught up to speed
4) Fox News appointed the new white house press secretary today. Nuff said.
CNN: April 26, 2006: 11:17 AM EDT
New home sales soar
March gain of 13.8% the biggest in 13 years, showing surprising strength in housing market, New home sales are closely watched since they're more of a leading indicator of conditions in the housing market.
keith - try to leave this up fpr at least a little while before you delete it
This blog has become ridiculous. Keith, instead of blasting her, you need to read Ann Coulter's brilliant and hilarious "Slander" to see how you are falling exactly into a pattern she meticulously describes.
Ann Coulter brilliant? Now I am laughing....
Ann Coulter brilliant? Now I am laughing..
Don't laugh. She is smarter than Bush.
And she probably doesn't believe all the religious propaganda...unlike Bush.
I read the book, and she's incredibly smart. I wish I could write as well as she.
She does not come across as particularly religious, but she is critical of "liberals" who hypocritically blast Christian fundamentalists, but defend Islamic fundamentalists (an oddity I've noted since shortly after 9/11). The point of the book, which some of the bloggers here obviously haven't picked up on, is that modern "liberal" discourse is riddled with slander and libel, but short on logic and reason. The fact that individuals posting here call her (and her defenders) names, rather than address the issues, supports this premise. It's easy to make snide remarks; not so easy to refute a well-researched and developed position.
Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean he or she is wrong, stupid, evil, or dangerous. There once was a time when debate actually centered on issues; today, "debate" is defined by "liberals" as hurling invectives and smearing reputations.
Every human is born with the need to be right, but we are all probably wrong at least fifty percent of the time.
"panicearly said...
when exactly did osama stop being a
neo-con patsy.
these fucks in the whitehouse were the same people in the 80s that were buddies with osama. learn some god ole american history.
official 911 story is a joke. i cant tell you who what when , but neither did they.
your children and their children will paying the tab for this bungling empire so lets get back to work."
Yea, panicearly like so many other Americans, you have reduced 9/11 to a joke. “Funny” I don’t remember anyone laughing that morning, maybe your household was rolling on the floor or at the least, trying to gauge the political “points” it would score. Yes, I have paid for this political empire we call America, in blood, sweat, months away from home, and will continue to do so. As for my children, they too will probably pay the tab for the freedoms you enjoy, but please, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t laugh in their face about it.
borkafatty said...
"hahah one has to laugh at you right wing god worshiping necon ball suckers, to come to this site and preach party lines it pathetic, your man is going down and it is such sport to see it happen on a daily basis.
"Go to reuters or fox and cook some more numbers on the economy.
"Dont make no difference tho america is waking up to your ponsi tactics, AND BUSH WILL BE IMPEACHED IN 07.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:22:45 AM
Well, borkafatty, you have perfectly proved what Anonymous April 25, 2006 3:47:51 PM, Anonymous April 25, 2006 8:49:43 PM, and Anonymous
April 26, 2006 7:59:28 PM state on this very page: that "liberals" don't debate or aruge facts, they simply call their imagined opponent names. Your pseudonym certainly indicates a level of vulgarity not generally encountered in daily life.
Just remember that what you wish on the others, the Universe has a remarkable way of delivering to your own front door (Karma). Your hatred is pathological . . . and repulsive.
Mrs. Smith ...
I could agree with you more.
As for Mann Coulter, she is a money whore. She doesn't care about any of us.
She has a schtick that seems patterned after the many TV evangelist like Pat Robber-son. Bah! Have you seen his health drink? Say bizzare things and hate anyone who dissaproves NOW send me money or buy my book.
The only way Mann Coulter makes sense is if you agree with her narrow minded hate mongering.
“panicearly said...
……these fucks in the whitehouse were the same people in the 80s that were buddies with osama. learn some god ole american history….”
Furthermore panicearly, let me reiterate a previous poster. I do remember good ole’ American History, say from ’92-’00-Eight years of peace for al qaeda as they blew up the WTC (the first time, remember that? Or was that also a joke?), American Embassies, military bases and killing diplomats around the world. Is that the history you were referring to?
just as a side note, the proposed DIVINE STRAKE that will take place in nevada on june 2 was suppose to be 5 time larger than the largest convention weapon we have.
There was a little typ "O" it will be 50 time larger..thank you have a nice day!
New flash: The White house orcestrated the 9/11 castastophy, buildings don't collapse on them self because of fire, reveiw the tapes and then go look at a controlled demolishion and see the undeniable similarities, it has all been laid out the Wolfowitz's paper, which was drafted during the first Bush administration, now I'm not saying that the Bush administration did the deed, but they certianly looked to other way, not to mention the Osama's are close friends with the Bush family.
9/11 has been the catylst for this administration to strip/waterdown the constitution rights of americans, start wars for black gold (no really in search of WMD's oh I'm sorry, to rid the world of the axis of evil, oh I meant Iraqi freedom), and threaten the world with military strikes in the name of american security(security for americans = insecurity for the rest of the world).
Let's be frank Americans don't give two shits about other americans suffering let alone the rest of the world, as long as when they hit the light switch the lights turn on and they can watch american distraction (Idol, lost, fox news, ETC). We should just stop the bull and say we want to control the world, How many times have i heard we should just nuke the bastards.
Evey great empire has fallen from inside-out, and as americans are not very fond of history I guess most americans are unaware of this fact, as we are headed down the same road(Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it).
Now this may be hard for most of you to believe, as americans have a hard time believing that the government is capable of any wrong doing outside of a sex scandals or campaign fraud, however the political elite think the masses are untrust worthy and dumb, thus this is why the framers of consituition (rich white land owners, and you thought the founding fathers had your best interest at heart) chose to have the elctorial college pick the president and not the voters
P.S. Closed door energy policy meetings, ran by Channey(Oilman-Slick daddy Channey)Result in big profits for the oil company's and high prices at the pump.
“panicearly said...
..... but just as rule of thumb try reading alternative view points to yours, there are plenty on line,
like 911 topics at numerous sites
While I check out the site, go to the bookshelf and dust off your copy of “Behold a Pale Horse” for a little light reading.
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