April 28, 2006
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A time capsule of the greatest financial mania in the history of mankind, told in real-time by regular folks and patriots. May future generations better understand the madness of crowds, and how power and money corrupt.
housing anyone? anyone?
The impetus for a bear market is +$73 per barrel oil prices (and maybe higher soon), gasoline at over $3 per gallon, and higher interest rates which will pop the housing bubble. Once the housing bubble implodes, foreclosures will increase and consumers who use their homes as ATM machines will feel the pinch and curtail their spending. Now the housing wealth effect which has made home owners feel very wealthy, will run in reverse.
The homeowners who will be hurt the most, with the rise in mortage rates, are the ones who let themselves get duped into taking on adjustable rate mortgages or ARM's. With an ARM, monthly mortgage payments rise as interest rates rise. Homeowners who overleveraged themselves with jumbo-mortgages will face dramatic increases in monthly payments, forcing many to foreclose- especially if the job market weakens. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, ARM's constituted 34 percent of mortgage applications in 2004, a staggering figure indicating many people who think interest rates will be low forever and housing "always goes up." Sounds alot like the other historic bubbles I wrote about for this site.
More worriesome is the statistic from the National Associations of Realtors, saying that 36 % of the home sales in 2004 were second home purchases, ie. mostly speculative buying and "flipping." As housing deflates, these speculators will add more fuel to the fire as they attempt to unload their houses.
Added to the bearish mix is Iran's lunatic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who threatens the stability of the world, due to his aspirations to bring about Armageddon and the "Coming of the Hidden Imam." The Western world MUST attack Iran- either kill or be killed. Death isn't exactly a fear of a nation thats on a suicide mission.
Attack Iran to save the world:)
Please bring it on...it will only accelerate the total crash of all financial markets, next to bringing us to or over the edge of WWIII.
Luckily armies perform pretty badly without oil....
Added to the bearish mix is Iran's lunatic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who threatens the stability of the world, due to his aspirations to bring about Armageddon and the "Coming of the Hidden Imam."
Added to the bearish mix is US's lunatic President George W Bush who threatens the stability of the world, due to his aspirations to bring about Armageddon and the "Coming of the Thousand Year Rule of Jesus."
Yeah, the real threat is not a nuclear bomb. They don't scare me. Or oil and gas, they can just keep it because we don't need that stuff. Or the dollar dominance. Let them sell oil in Euros. All I need is my whiskey and TV remote and I'm a happy camper. CRRRRRAAAASSHHH BOOOOOMMMMMM. Uh oh. There goes our economy and several large cities. Well I still have half a bottle anyway.
God is Great.
All I need is my whiskey and TV remote and I'm a happy camper
I agree except you forgot one thing, your shot gun no good home owner can not have his trusty shot gun cocked an loaded...such sport
Or oil and gas, they can just keep it because we don't need that stuff.
Who needs oil and it's related hassles?
Medieval life was not so bad. Living in a thatched hut could be quite healthy except for the ticks and snakes and smoke inhalation- you would be out working your small fields most of the time anyway. Your livestock can be brought inside during the winter not only to foil thieves but to keep your family warm.
Dude, here is some reading for you:
Form the 8 page IAEA report.
"The agency cannot exclude the possibility ... that the plutonium analyzed by the agency was derived from source(s) other than declared by Iran,"
Careful what conclusions you draw. Most have you were wrong before. No WMDs in Iraq.
"CRRRRRAAAASSHHH BOOOOOMMMMMM. Uh oh. There goes our economy and several large cities. Well I still have half a bottle anyway."
Yeh just keep imagining threats were none exist and all the whiskey in the world won't drown our sorrows. You alraedy made this mistake once. Do you see the pattern or do I have to spell it out in crayon for you.
Well according to the new numbers you people are out there spending like Bill Gates on steriods (not that I belive the numbers) and the rates will rise so shall the kingdom.
“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.” And we are madmen indeed.
Wow the religious right will be sorry they ever teamed up (allowed themselves to be used by) BushCo. I would not be surprised if religion in this country is forced out of political discussion entirely (much like most of Europe) within only a couple years.
They supported the most inept, corrupt and bungling US admin of all time. Couldn't have done it with out them.
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
Steven Weinberg
Iraq's murderous dictator was never a threat to anyone. (Except for when he started a war with Iran and invaded Kuwait etc.) He never possessed WMD. (Except for the tons that were handed over or used on the Kurds etc.) He just wanted to co-operate and be freed from UN persecution. (Except for when he was found to be hiding a nuclear and other WMD programs and expelled all inspectors.) The Republicans just wanted the oil. (Except that John Kerry, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, and Ted Kennedy etc. who are all on record preaching about the threat that he posses to the world, of course oil is important also.) Bush is a liar about WMD. (Except that Bill Clinton bombed them for a few weeks back in 97 to degrade his WMD capabilities and the majority of the western intelligence agencies were all on the same page.)They never found anything. (Except that if you actually read the WMD search report you will find that his infrastructure to produce WMD was determined to be far greater and more dangerous that previously thought.) Sadam was not a threat to our country. (Except for the fact that he was about to open a oil Bourse denominated in Euros. A big no no) Sadam was not responsible for 911. (Duh, no sh*&t, except that he was a steadfast supporter of several Islamic terrorist organizations. Yes openly.) We should never have gone to war. (Too late now after overwhelming support to topple Sadam by Congress and the American public. You break it you bought it.) Most Americans are idiots with the long term memory of a flee. (OK, you got me there.)
Mr. Smith, will you please run for President?
Thank you my fellow American. But my dog refuses to live in the DC environment.
This constant verbal assault by Ajad smells like a trap. He is making comments that are guaranteed to stampede the Bush Regime and Israel into stupid moves.
And what happens then? Iran gets pounded from the air but survives pretty much intact. And a chain of events is set off that ends up with 50% of the ME oil infrastructure in blackened twisted tanks and pipelines. Plus an economically and politically isolated USA.
And what happens to the over-extended hyper-indebted US economy when the international price of oil goes up to $185/bbl? How about a collapsing dollar and double-digit interest rates?
And all those nations who fear and resent the Bush and new US dominance will take the opportunity to start diversifying away from the dollar in a major way. And this move could turn into a dollar panic- especially if the US comes to be viewed as a dangerous rogue nation that is a danger to international security.
The US ends up like the old Soviet Union with a shattered economy, drastically limited access to ME energy resources, and a down-sized role in the world-at-large.
So rev up those F-14s, George, and see what a mess you can make.
I don't know a single conservative still willing to spin the Iraq WMD fiasco like
Tom. Wow. Tom who do you think you are talking to ... bonehead2003religiousrightamerica?
Like Mr. Smith I have stated that Iran is taunting us to attack. We bomb Iran (that's all we could do militarily) then IAEA inspects the bombed sites an find there was no significant nuclear program
then American disgust forces the US out of Iraq (and Iran)
then Iran waltzes across the border and says "Hello falied state of Iraq we are you new government".
american hiroshima if we hit iran?
rumor of forward deployed nuke from ussr waiting for our attack. iran keeps pushing, thumbing their nose knowing OBL has sleepers ready?
thats the thought of Williams and another informant
As a non-american, I sure as hell hope there aren't too many "Toms" left in the U.S. these days... *shudder*
Can't we all just get along? No, we can't. There are those who dominate, and those who are dominated. My reading of history tells me I'd rather be on the side that's kicking ass. YMMV
Unfortunately, there are very few Toms left in the US. Since I served active duty in the USAF during Desert Storm I have been watching the Iraq situation very closely. During the Clinton years I read every intelligence report that was made public. (They will open your eyes) I think some of you may have skipped that. I am just sick of the revisionist ignorance surrounding the Middle East. This is due to the extreme partisanship and lack of knowledge we have in this country. As for Iran, don't fool yourself people, this is serious and predates President Bush just like Iraq does. There are no easy answers. I think America needs to wake up and try and understand our world outside of the red and blue team paradigm. You have the internet, so go and learn everything you can about Iran and its current leadership so we can have an informed community. But that may be asking for too much.
housing anyone? anyone?
Anonymous said...
housing anyone? anyone?
I love the fools who don't understand that world events impacts the world economy - any your precious housing prospects too:
Added to the bearish mix is Iran's lunatic President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who threatens the stability of the world, due to his aspirations to bring about Armageddon and the "Coming of the Hidden Imam." The Western world MUST attack Iran- either kill or be killed. Death isn't exactly a fear of a nation thats on a suicide mission.
"Can't we all just get along? No, we can't. There are those who dominate, and those who are dominated. My reading of history tells me I'd rather be on the side that's kicking ass. YMMV"
My reading of history is that everyone thinks they are on the side of kicking ass.
Careful what you wish for.
"During the Clinton years I read every intelligence report that was made public. (They will open your eyes) I think some of you may have skipped that. I am just sick of the revisionist ignorance surrounding the Middle East"
Nobody is revising anything. It's happening realtime in front of us all and what we all see is the most bungled foreign policy of all time. Death upon death, Dollar upon dollar. Lie upon lie.
Take your drug-abusing-Rush-Limpbone-parroting-talking points somewhere else. Free thnkers visit this blog and as the saying goes "if you argue with a fool there are two".
I am afraid that as seen in this blog, the issue of Iran will be subject to the same childish partisan power struggle as so many other issues in the country. Each side is full of such bitterness for the other. A perfect reflection of the American voter. Blind stupidity.
"Yes I will nevermind them because THEY DON'T EXIST....... Sorry they are a very small and weak organization that after many years of planning were able to kill fewer Americans than die in 3 weeks on our nations highways"
No suicide bombers exist huh? Contact the press, this guy has got the story! So, you have a quota for American lives? So what’s your magic number that makes these lives significant? Is it lives per incident or is it cumulative? If you or your family are involved does that increase/lower your quota? This number that you currently have, does it include the WTC bombing, military base bombings and 9/11?
This is a very stupid comparison.
Iran's leader is doing what is best for his nation. Cheap energy in the future with expensive investment now is the way to go. And even if he is building weapons so what?
Iraq was a lesson to the world. Have no WMD and cooperate with the UN while telling the truth and you will be invaded and occupied.
Hitler's goal was world domination which this guy clearly does not want. He does want his part of the world to be rid of invaders.
Keith, you are way out of line on this one.
“Anonymous said...
…….Iraq was a lesson to the world. Have no WMD and cooperate with the UN while telling the truth and you will be invaded and occupied.”……
This is an uneducated statement. Iraq never co-operated with the U.N. sanctions. Those were not water balloons they were launching at allied aircraft.
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