Where did this come from? And it seems to be spreading nation-wide. Parisians will get jealous if they don't knock it off!
Boy, add this to HP's list of troubles befalling America. Didn't even see this one coming. Anyone else feel like we're on a slippery slope getting more slippery every day? Just waiting for the next plague?
And YES, HELL YES this is connected to the housing bubble. The housing bubble actually was the #1 cause of illegal immigration during the past five years. Who the hell do you think built all those damn houses, and now who do you think is gonna be most pissed when their jobs go away? You got it.
(Oh, sorry, photos not working in blogger today... I'll put up something funny tomorrow!)
From C&L: "We have been sitting in class for the last hour and a half in full lockdown. I was able to go to the restroom and heard the thousands of marching teens from LA High converging on Hollywood and Highland. The din was unbelievable! The walkouts are spreading throughout all of Los Angeles, including the valley. We are fine here, but this is expected to go on for several more days. It is all unorganized, impromptu and is getting a life of it's own. Absolutely amazing!
From CNN: LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Tens of thousands of students walked out of school in California and other states Monday, waving flags and chanting slogans in a second week of protests against legislation to crack down on illegal immigrants.
March 27, 2006
This Hispanic thing is starting to feel like a dormant computer virus timed to go off at a certain time and date
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And as you have pointed out the invisible owners will completely dissappear.
The tens of thousands of students should be immediately expelled.
Yeah, it's called the "Tequilla Worm"
anon 4:55 -
Is that you David Duke?!??!!?
Where did this come from? And it seems to be spreading nation-wide. Parisians will get jealous if they don't knock it off!
Isn't it obvious where it came from? The November congressional elections are coming up fast. Now that the republicans have thoroughly shit all over themselves ( Abramoff, Katrina, Dubai Ports world, Iraq-nam etc, etc), they need a solid wedge issue. The protests and marches didn't happen in a vaccuum. They are in response to proposed legislation that would make assisting illegal aliens a felony. Why would republican leadership propose something like right now? I guess abortion and gay marriage aren't gonna git-R done this time.
Didn't NAFTA start the destruction of the small Mexican farmer? When peple can't make a living, thry go in search of work!
If you think that either side (especially Reps.) will ever do anything to protect US jobs from outsiders, you are dumber than a box of rocks.
California is becoming the barrio, even down here in South Orange County there are illegals all over. I’m sick and tired of it … sick and fu_king tired! Our schools are now overrun with the children of these illegals; most of them don’t speak any English. This in turn forces teachers to become bilingual and takes away time from English speaking children. Our hospitals are being closed due to illegals without any medical insurance storming our emergency rooms.
California is going to go bankrupt when the housing bubble goes POP!
Watch the slimy liberal race pimps pull out their joker, the race card
One day the liberal democrats are going to realize this issue effects their voters a lot more than republican voters! Until then we have complete idiots like Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid that suggest a filabuster. It’s outrageous!
ANON 6;08
You live in the OC and swarmed with illegals? You must be slumming in it Santa Ana or Costa Mesa. LOL! What a loser.
Anyone expecting to move into a Mexiflopper Special;
Forget it. Years of defered maintenance followed by months of shut off utilties followed by months of squatting followed by months of legal limbo only to inhierit a house in poor repair AND potential claims in court for years. No thanks.
ANOM 6:30
No I don’t live in Santa Ana or Costa Mesa you stupid f_ck … I said I live in South OC!
All you have to do is drive down Laguna Canyon Road @ 7 am in the morning to see all the illegals at the hiring station.
Glad I'm not the only one tired of having to go to the bank and select 1 - for English, 2 - for spanish. It should be "Enter Pin, for spanish press 9". Putting Spanish and English on the same footing is a huge mistake and will prove to be our undoing.
These racial comments are out of place. Illegal entry into our country is not a racial issue. There are trespassers of all races in our country illegaly. All are criminals and must be deported.
I disagree. Go look at the news photos and see what race is represented, and what flag they are flying.
Viva La Raza Blanco!
panicearly you are an idiot
Only a freaking moron would let illegals raise their children. You can't even do a background check on them. Besides, raise your own children or else don't have them.
Get off your fat azz and mow your own lawn.
A University of Michigan study found that lettuce would cost 3 cents more per head if illegals weren't here. I'm willing to accept paying a few more cents for fruits and veggies and not have to deal with the taxes and crime to support 15 million uneducated slave laborers.
It's about following the law and respecting the sovereignty of another nation. There are 7 million people on the waiting list for green cards. What gives these 15 million illegals the right to cut in line?
What we are seeing in this nation is "scapegoatism." When there is an economic downturn on the horizon, the most culturally different group (language, customs, racial identity, etc.) is singled out.
In the book, Race, Ethnicity, and Self: Identity in Multicultural Perspective by E. Salet and K. Koslow, five stages of group development are identified. We are seeing Stage 1: Conformity. In this stage, the attitude of a dominant group towards another group is discriminatory. This is a model that followed the Irish, Italians, eastern Europeans, etc. throughout U.S. history. Eventually we as a society will be able to look at Hispanic/Latinos with a sense of appreciation, as stated in Stage 5: Synergetic Articulation and Awareness.
As you can see, the flaw in this argument is previous immigrants were legally accepted into the country. This is not the case today, as our borders are clearly porous. This allows for illegal entry into the country. There is a reason for this: employment equilibrium.
For those of you who have had college economics, Ben Bernake has co-written a text called Principles of Macroeconomics with Robert H. Frank. In Chapter 9, Bernake advocates the elimination of minimum wage. For him, "...basic supply and demand analysis shows that if the minimum wage law has any effect at all, it must raise the unemployment rate." By having undocumented or illegal workers, unemployment will be statistically low. This is beneficial for any political administration, Republican or Democrat.
Therefore, the threat of criminalizing illegal immigration is a bluff to politically distract the masses. Both political parties require a "non-issue" to motivate the masses to vote in their favor. By keeping unemployment low and the economy prodding along, the only thing we as Americans will focus on is "non-issues" such as illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, etc.
Absolutely it is a bluff. The intent is to polarize and distract. Big business and corporations will make certain that the cheap labor pool is preserved.
By keeping unemployment low and the economy prodding along, the only thing we as Americans will focus on is "non-issues" such as illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, etc.
Non-issues don't shut down freeways. In fact, all 3 of the 'non-issues' you cite are in fact major issues contributing to the decline of the West.
By keeping unemployment low and the economy prodding along, the only thing we as Americans will focus on is "non-issues" such as illegal immigration, gay marriage, abortion, etc.
ahhh, these are real issues moron. Gays CANT marry, and wont be able to (thanks to my man GW), killing babies will be outlawed state by state (might take a while, but is happening). Taste it sucka lefties.
ANON 7:36
SO let me get this right...you are upset because you drive bye illegal aliens at a hiring station on your way to work? Give me an F-ing break you lilly white pompous OC a$$. You truly are a loser.
I am a MExican-American (American-Mexican, whatever) born here. I just moved into a posh Newport digs about month ago. I picke up the local paper to hire some movers thena new gardener. Mover showed up : illegal Chinese working under the table. Gardener showed up: an Indian guy. LOL.
There are two billion poor and diseased people in Asia and Africa watching the situation. If they see amnesty, they will be boarding the next plane or boat over here for free housing, welfare and medicare. You idiots have fun paying for it. At least you're getting your lawn mowed for $20 instead of $25. It's a great trade-off. Forget about learning how to speak Spanish. Learn how to speak Mandarin when 500 million unemployed Chinese hit the shores and demand amnesty. The businesses will love their cheap labor. They'll put the Mexicans out of work.
We gotta due something about the illegal caucasians in this country! Buying up all the real estate, polluting the air and water, creating traffic, building nuclear bombs and attacking countries, passing laws against people who won't vote for them...Geez, can't we do something about this?
"Also, fedupin cali, it was mostly the Spanish and Portuguese (not technically whites) who brought the black slaves to the Americas, "
Spanish and Portugese are definitely technically whites.
"and the English (definitely white) who eventually stopped the trade."
True. They did have economic motivations in addition.
In a similar way I think it's silly that the "chicano culture" people like promoting Spanish language as if it is some kind of heritage of liberation.
The Spaniards did far more to oppress their ancestors (Cortez was a real bastard) than anything the English-speakers did.
Germs did the most, of course and nobody knew anything about how that worked back then.
PS: My south-american wife really gets ticked off by amnesty for illegal immigration after all the crap she had to do to do things by the book.
I'm keeping an eye out for the event of "Prussian Blue" CD sales spiking up like house prices have been. That's my indicator that Anglos have reached critical mass on the issue.
To anon 4:55:10 PM
Indeed Lincoln intended to deport the slaves after the civil war - he even set up a place in Africa for them: Liberia. Unfortunately he was assassinated.
Stock up on your guns and ammo. You're going to need it unless you plan on leaving the country in 10 years.
Just STFU and clean my toilet. You can go back to your barrio after that
"Prussian Blue" as in Richard Clapton from Australia?
No, "Prussian Blue", those cute blonde 10-year-old twins who sing such hits as "Aryan Man, When Are You Going to Take Your Stand" at various neo-Nazi rallies.
If "Aryan Man" ever hits the charts on SoCal English-language stations, you'll KNOW it's gotten bad.
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