March 02, 2006

Let's play again - a year from now, what three US markets will have seen the largest percentage declines in median home value from their peaks?

My picks:

1) Phoenix
2) Phoenix
3) Phoenix


1) Phoenix
2) Miami
3) Boston


Anonymous said...

Phoenix in percentages.

Los Angeles is total dollar drop off.

Rob Dawg said...

By the rules (percentage):

1. Phoenix
2. Las Vegas
3. San Diego

Anonymous said...

Boston? Not even in the top eight.

1. Phoenix
2. All Florida
3. San Diego

Condos drop first, who's got most supply? Vegas, DC next...

David said...

In percentages:

1) Bakersfield
2) Parts of Florid

Anonymous said...

Miami. Because of the supply still to come.

Phoenix. Because of the CA flippers.

San Diego. The supply to come.

The new means test BK law will make this downturn last longer.

Anonymous said...

#1: NYC (Manhattan)
#2: Phoenix
#3: Miami

Anonymous said...

SF bay area

Anonymous said...

1. Orange County / San Diego (Tie)
2. Phoenix
3. South Florida

I choose OC & SD because we’re already starting to see significant price reductions in those communities. And the medium price to medium income is higher there than the other communities mentioned. OC droped 6% in Jan.

foxwoodlief said...

Try Sydney, London and Shanghai

Anonymous said...

Miami/Ft. Lauderdale

Anonymous said...

1 copper
2 shanghi
3 all of california

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how the Reno,NV market is doing?

Anonymous said...

1. Sacramento/Central Valley
2. Phoenix
3. San Diego

Anonymous said...

San Diego!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

San Diego

Anonymous said...

I don't think OC will be hit as hard as most. The markets surrounding OC on the other hand will get smacked hard. There are a lot of people who sit in traffic for 3 hours a day to work in OC, that will move as soon as they can afford it. The Riverside inventory numbers have been incredible:

Anonymous said...

1. East Coast
2. West Coast
3. Everything between